Chapter 326 No one connects to the video

Cheng Guodong received a call from the nanny, and he and Qin Xin turned around and rushed back.

Cheng Guodong: "Why didn't we think of calling my sister?"

Qin Xin rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic."

Cheng Guodong: "I thought you were a calm and calm person, but I didn't expect you to be as unreliable as me."

Qin Xin: "Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself, we are all the same."

Cheng Guodong: "..." All right, I can't beat him!

The nanny looked at the boy she was carrying suspiciously, stretched out her hand, and asked, "Whose child is this, why are you carrying it? Come on, put him down!"

Little Taotie didn't let the nanny take over, he came to the sofa, put him down, and said: "He is quite heavy, Auntie, don't tire your hands."

The nanny wiped Xiao Taotie's face and hands with a hot towel, feeling warm in her heart, and asked softly, "Where did you go? I haven't seen you all morning."

"I'm going to be a hero!" Little Taotie pointed to the boy sitting on the sofa, "I am his savior, and he will be my little brother from now on! By the way, where is Hua Jinyan?"

Little Taotie has been back for a while, but has not seen Hua Jinyan, so it stands to reason that he will come out when he hears the movement in the living room!

The auntie nanny sighed: "He is sick, he couldn't wake up early in the morning, and his temperature was still high, so he was sent to the hospital."

Little Taotie became nervous: "Why is he sick? I'll go see him!"

"You just came back, change your clothes first, eat something to fill your stomach before going. He has been hanged in the water, his fever has subsided, and he is fine. When winter and spring change seasons, you must dress warmly. He is wearing too much clothes. Less, the cold wind enters the body, so you will get sick. You should wear more clothes, you know?"

Little Taotie lifted up his clothes, "One, two, three, four, five! Auntie, I'm almost turning into a rice dumpling, I've worn so much!"

The nanny sighed: "You didn't wear the little red vest given to you!"

Little Taotie: "..."

She drooped her head, pitifully: "The little vest has become too small, I can't fit it anymore, the buttons just... fell apart!"

"Pfft!" The boy couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Little Taotie's big black and white eyes widened, and he stared at him fiercely.

The auntie nanny looked at the white and fat little girl who was being raised now, and recalled the first time she saw the little girl, she was small, thin, and short, so pitiful.

The husband said that this is already a situation where the black-hearted company is about to be eaten up and a lot of meat has grown.

The auntie nanny didn't dare to think about how thin she looked in the mountains before.

Later, when I watched the variety show filmed in the mountain village, I saw the little Taotie who took the female star to find sugar paintings. The nanny aunt almost cried. She was thin and small, with a yellow and emaciated face, like a little refugee.

"Auntie, am I too fat?"

"Auntie rearranged the little vest for you. It's because the buttons of the little vest are loose. It must not be that you are getting fat."

"……OK then."

The boy's stomach growled.

It was only then that Xiao Taotie remembered that the boy hadn't eaten for two days, but only drank a little cat's milk and ate a little chocolate in the car.

"Auntie, he was kidnapped by the bad guys and has been starving for two days. Prepare something delicious for him."

"What?" The aunt was startled when she heard the word "kidnapping", "Should I call the police? How did you rescue him? Was he injured?"

"I'm fine. I ran after the kitten and found him in the abandoned villa. I rescued him alone, so I rescued him back."

"I'm going to prepare something to eat, what a pity! I've been hungry for two days, and I can't eat too greasy food. I'll cook some porridge."

The boy nodded and thanked: "Thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome, just wait for a while, it will be soon."

After the auntie nanny left, Xiao Taotie took out his mobile phone and requested to connect with Hua Jinyan via video.

For a long time, no one answered.

Little Taotie gave up, frowning at a young age.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked concerned.

Little Taotie looked at him and muffled: "When I was away, my comrade-in-arms fell ill, something must have happened!"

She stood up and ran out the door: "I'm going to the hospital to find him!"

 17 ~
  Thanks to the end of last month and the first half of this month, a total of 664 people, who gave me precious recommendation votes!

  Thank you for your support all the time, I love you, and I love you so much! ~~~

  The author came to a big bowl of noodles: "Little Taotie, come here quickly, wink everyone, and blow a kiss!"

  Little Taotie tilted his head and winked at you, his eyes were sparkling, his dimples were sunken, and he smiled shyly.

  She said in a childish voice: "Wow!" Blowing a kiss~ (immediately blushed, and ran away~)


(End of this chapter)

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