Chapter 338 Should You Punish My Sister?

After some questioning, Little Taotie told everything.

She already had a lot of trust in the police, so she wasn't prepared. In addition, the middle-aged policewoman was very experienced, so she almost asked the question clearly.

The middle-aged policewoman approached Qin Xin and Xie Jiacheng and asked them about the kidnapping case. The pregnant woman was charged with another crime.

When the middle-aged female policeman sent them away, the mobile phone rang suddenly, and the panicked voice of the little policewoman on the other end of the phone: "I'm going to give birth! She's going to give birth!"

"Is going to give birth? Don't worry, I'll go there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged policewoman told them what happened.

Xie Jiacheng, as the child's father, chased after him.

Cheng Guodong hugged his sister, Qin Xin led Hua Jinyan, and did not intend to go there. The nanny aunt had some experience in childbirth, so she accompanied Xie Jiacheng to go there.

Back at the villa, Xiao Taotie yawned and wanted to go upstairs to sleep, but Cheng Guodong grabbed the collar of fate.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at Cheng Guodong, and softly called out: "Brother~"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

He coughed dryly and straightened his attitude, "It's useless to act like a baby! Do you know it's wrong!"

Little Taotie's big eyes were full of innocence, she was extremely at a loss, but her little head nodded quickly, and she responded, "I know I was wrong!"

Cheng Guodong: "...Are you sure?"

Little Taotie nodded his head, "I know I was wrong!"

Cheng Guodong was suspicious: "What's wrong?"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, then remembered what the policewoman said, and said, "You shouldn't sneak out, there are many dangers and kidnappers outside."

"...It seems that I really knew I was wrong." Cheng Guodong looked at Qin Xin.

Qin Xin smiled: "Is my sister sleepy?"

Little Taotie's eyes were red, he was really sleepy, "I'm so tired!"

Qin Xin rubbed her head: "Go to sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Little Taotie trotted upstairs.

Cheng Guodong: "Let's forget it? If you don't educate the bear boy well, you don't know what else he will do in the future!"

Qin Xin spread her hands: "You are really willing to punish her, and I don't object."

Cheng Guodong hesitated: "For the two of us, one has to sing the bad face and the other the red face. The division of labor is good. After all, I am the eldest brother, so I can't look fierce and serious..."

Qin Xin squinted at him: "I'll be the bad guy?"

Cheng Guodong smiled embarrassedly.

Qin Xin snorted coldly: "Your face is really big! Stop dreaming!"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Qin Xin: "You dare to punish my sister, I will vent my anger on my sister."

Turning around and going back to the room, he slammed the door behind him.

Hearing the sound of the door closing heavily, Cheng Guodong's heart turned cold, and he muttered: "I'm not willing to punish her, isn't it for her sake? Why is it my fault, who will see the door slammed!"

Hua Jinyan watched a scene, yawned, and turned to go back to the house, but was stopped by Cheng Guodong.

"Do you think I should punish my sister?"

Hua Jinyan shook his head.

"Why? She ran out by herself in the middle of the night and almost had an accident. Shouldn't she be punished?"

Hua Jinyan asked calmly, "Did she admit it wrong?"

Cheng Guodong nodded.

Hua Jinyan continued to ask: "Is she going in the right direction?"

Cheng Guodong nodded.

Hua Jinyan spread his hands: "Since I have already admitted my mistake, and the direction of admitting my mistake is also right, why do you still hold on to this matter? Are you going to beat her up, or starve her?"

"You can't hit me! Younger sister's skin is tender, but you can't hit her!" Cheng Guodong quickly waved his hand: "You can't go hungry either. She was hungry too many times when she was a child, so she can't suffer like this again!"

Hua Jinyan shrugged: "Then how do you want to punish her?"

(End of this chapter)

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