Chapter 342 You Crack It Yourself
Little Taotie looked at Hua Jinyan, sure enough, Hua Jinyan felt the same cold as her, and even shivered a bit.

Only Qin Xin didn't notice the abnormality.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other, Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand, Little Taotie clenched it naturally, and the two reached a silent tacit understanding.

Qin Xin glanced at it, but said nothing.


It is surprising that the woman did not agree to meet.

Qin Xin looked at Little Taotie: "Shall we go back first?"

Little Taotie's gaze was fixed on one direction.

Hua Jinyan also looked in that direction with a solemn expression.

Qin Xin: "What did you see?"

Little Taotie blinked, and the tails of his eyes were red: "A little baby, but so fierce... full of resentment, like a spirit of resentment, but not like a spirit of resentment, there is a piece of talisman on his forehead, and the resentment is absorbed by the talisman gone."

Hua Jinyan's gaze was fixed on the talisman paper, and he said in a deep voice, "It's a curse. Curse a certain person with a baby's resentment."

Qin Xin had a bad guess, and lowered his voice: "The baby is the child of that woman who died in infancy? The talisman is the source of the curse, and it is the curse cast by that woman! The target...isn't it the younger sister?"

Hua Jinyan had a sullen face, but in fact, he also vaguely guessed in his heart.

Little Taotie felt the warmth of the jade pendant of the little white beast, and took out the jade pendant, "It's hot."

"The case has been solved." Qin Xin helped his forehead.

Hua Jinyan's face became even more gloomy.

According to Xiao Taotie's previous statement, when the woman shot, the jade pendant of the little white beast was also hot, so as long as her life was in danger, the jade pendant would automatically protect it.

Now the object of the curse is obviously Xiao Taotie.

No one thought that this woman was so capable of being a monster that she was already locked up and could cause troubles, and she didn't hesitate to use her deceased child as a bargaining chip.

Little Taotie realized the seriousness of the problem, held Hua Jinyan's hand tightly, and asked softly, "She's his mother...why did you do this? Is it just because you hate me?"

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes: "Once the curse succeeds and the cursed person dies, the baby's wraith will also be wiped out, and there will be no chance of reincarnation."

Ma Ming appeared at the right time, smiling: "It seems that the lessons these days are not in vain."

"Teacher Ma!" Xiao Taotie shouted.

Ma Ming stepped forward and rubbed the little Taotie's head, "You~! If the jade pendant hadn't protected you, you would be in trouble now!"

Little Taotie cupped his palm with his small head, and smiled: "The jade pendant is the best, protect me all the time!"

"If one day, you encounter a big trouble that the jade pendant can't protect you, it depends on you what to do!" Ma Ming nodded her little nose, "Today's spell, you can break it yourself."

Little Taotie was at a loss and blinked innocently.

She thought that when Teacher Ma appeared, Teacher Ma would solve the problem.

"Go, tear off that talisman paper yourself."

Little Taotie turned his head three times a step, and walked towards the fierce baby Wraith.

The little baby was gray and purple all over, and his eyes were black and faint, like endless black holes. Looking at each other made people feel chills all over his body. He grinned, and his mouth was full of sharp and densely packed small teeth, like fish teeth.

Little Taotie got closer and closer, and the baby yelled at her, trying to drink her away.

Little Taotie whispered: "You are a baby, how can you grow so many teeth? Did you steal the fish's teeth and put them in?"

The baby's eyes were ferocious, and he was enveloped in a torrential resentment. Everything around him was surrounded by gray mist, turning into a hard and cold ice sculpture.

From Xiao Taotie's perspective, the policemen guarding the suspects here turned into ice sculptures, but in fact they just felt a burst of cold.

(End of this chapter)

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