Chapter 344 You are not worthy of being a mother
Ma Ming picked up the broken talisman paper on the ground and handed it to Qin Xin, "Give this to that person and let her know that she has failed."

Qin Xin: "It's your loss, she will be pissed off."

Ma Ming held a child in one hand and said with a smile: "I've come all the time. I don't have anything to do in the afternoon. I'll take them back to class."

Qin Xin laughed out loud: "Is this considered overtime?"

Ma Ming shrugged: "It's free."

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie realized later and asked, "Go back? Go to class?"

Hua Jinyan looked at her with nothing to love, and nodded.

Little Taotie wailed: "I still want to go back and make models!"

Ma Ming nodded her small forehead: "Playing things and losing one's ambition!"


The woman received an envelope, opened the envelope, and pieces of talisman paper fell to the ground.

Pupil Earthquake!

The woman knelt on her knees, held up the talisman paper on the ground, and pieced it together piece by piece, confirming that it was a talisman written by her with her own blood.

"How is it possible! It has been cracked!"

"The child who is connected with my blood, how can the curse under my blood be broken!"

"Impossible...absolutely impossible..."

The woman looked around like crazy, stretching out her hands and scratching: "Son, where are you? Are you still guarding your mother by your mother's side? You must still be by your mother's side, right?"

The woman bit her finger with her teeth, and the blood flowed out. She took the envelope and drew a charm with blood, but time and time again, the spell was unsuccessful, which meant that there were no wraiths around!


"Son, there's no way you'll leave Mom!"

"I am your biological mother, within seven days, you will stay by my side!"

"Unless... be wiped out, or... be reincarnated!"

"It's impossible to reincarnate!"

"Could it be that the spell has failed, have you been wiped out?"

"Isn't it only when the spell is successful and the cursed person dies that you will be wiped out?"

"Son, come out! Come out quickly!"

The woman went crazy and scribbled on the wall with blood from her hands.

Policeman Dong: "Is this man crazy?"

Policeman Nan: "Send him to a mental hospital?"

Policeman Xi: "Are you pretending to be crazy, trying to get rid of the crime? I've seen this kind of person too much, so ignore her!"

Policeman Bei: "The blood is bleeding, will he die?"

In the end, the four policemen had no choice but to step forward to control her and help her bandage the wound.

Originally, she was still free, but she was just imprisoned, but now her hands and feet are shackled.

What Xie Jiacheng came over to see was a woman who was already dumbfounded, with both hands and feet shackled.

Her hair was messy and there was blood on her body.

People can't help but wonder if they were beaten here.

Policeman Dong: "Don't get me wrong, she did it herself."

Xie Jiacheng pursed his lips, did not speak, and stared at the woman with a serious expression, "Are you pretending to be crazy?"

The woman raised her head and smiled foolishly at him, drooling from the corner of her mouth: "Son! Son, have you come to see your mother?"

Xie Jiacheng's eyes darkened: "You still have the face to mention your son! He has been reincarnated into you for eight lifetimes of misfortune! Even if you die, you still have to use him, you are simply not worthy of being a mother!"

The woman smiled foolishly, and the saliva dripped down her chin: "Son, Huahua, come on, Huahua!"

The woman stretched out her finger, wanting to draw a symbol.

Xie Jiacheng stood up, almost unable to control himself. He followed his father. Although he was not proficient in metaphysics and did not have this talent, he could understand some talismans.

At this moment, what this woman draws is a cursed talisman with evil spirits!

"You vicious woman, you really stole the child's body, tell me, where did you hide him?"

(End of this chapter)

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