Chapter 347
Everyone rushed over when they heard the sound, and saw Xiao Taotie sitting on the ground crying, his mouth was red, with chili sauce around his mouth, his little tongue sticking out, like a hot little milk dog, "Shasha" Exhale.

The nanny picked up the chili bottle that fell on the ground, and there were five large characters written on the bottle—Devil Chili Sauce!

Cheng Guodong stepped forward to take it, and recalled: "My friend gave it to me. He said it was the hottest pepper in the world. I thought it was very interesting, so I took it back."

Qin Xin picked up her sister and coaxed her: "Now that you have eaten the hottest chili sauce in the world, if you can overcome it, it means that you are no longer afraid of spicy food!"

Little Taotie's tongue was numb with tears all over his face, and he said with a big tongue, "Is it true?"

"Of course, if you can overcome the devil pepper, there will be no pepper that can make you feel hot in the future."

Hua Jinyan brought a bottle of milk: "Drink milk quickly to relieve the spiciness."

Little Taotie took the milk and drank a bottle.

She stuck out her little tongue, her little face wrinkled into a bun: "It's still so spicy!"

Hua Jinyan trotted back and handed her a bottle of milk, and the little Taotie drank it again and again. After drinking seven bottles, the talent came back to his senses in a trance and spoke neatly: "It's too spicy, I I thought I was going to be burned to death!"

Hua Jin said it was funny: "Who told you to steal food in the kitchen?"

Little Taotie stared at Hua Jinyan with big eyes red from crying, as innocent and pitiful as he could be.

Hua Jinyan coughed dryly: "What I mean is, you should tell Auntie that you want to learn how to eat spicy food. Start with the least spicy bell pepper and challenge it a little bit, instead of trying to challenge the hottest right away."

Little Taotie felt even more wronged.

Isn't it that the nanny only gave a little bit of chili, and refused to give more at all!
The auntie nanny came forward and coaxed Xiao Taotie: "Auntie didn't hide this bottle of chili sauce well. She should have given you chili peppers for you to learn to eat. She shouldn't have stopped you and caused you to take an extreme route."

The little glutton nestled in the arms of the nanny auntie, and said in a childish voice, "I want to try other peppers."

The nanny hurriedly brought a lantern pepper, cut it into small strips and handed it over.

Little Taotie took a bite and felt that it was full of water and not spicy at all, so he ate a lot without knowing it.

This is followed by slightly elongated green peppers.

Little Taotie took a bite, his eyes sparkled, "I really am not afraid of spicy food anymore!"

Aunt brought a bottle of chili sauce.

Xiao Taotie took a step back subconsciously, because of the sequelae of the previous bottle of devil chili sauce, when she saw the chili sauce now, she remembered the feeling of suffocation, tongue numbness, and breathlessness.

"This is not devil's chili sauce, it's my own chili sauce, and I use ordinary chili peppers."

The nanny carefully ordered some chili sauce with chopsticks.

"Did you try it?"

Little Taotie looked at the chopsticks, the chopsticks were white, only the tips of the chopsticks were a little red.

Little Taotie stretched out his little tongue to lick it off.

Closing her eyes, she waited for the tingling sensation on her head, her tongue tingling, and her whole body sweating.

Waited for a long time, and did not.

Those timid gazes suddenly regained their spirits, she blinked her eyes, her eyes sparkled, and she smacked her small mouth, savoring the spicy taste in her mouth.

"Do you want more?" The auntie nanny asked tentatively.

Little Taotie nodded like a pounding garlic.

The auntie nanny was afraid that she would be salty if she ate it empty-handed, so she brought some milk buns for her to dip in chili sauce.

The little Taotie ate more and more happily, and soon the plate was empty.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of spicy food." Hua Jinyan said.

Little Glutton cheered: "I have conquered chili!"

— hum!I am a gluttonous descendant, there is anything in this world that I cannot eat!It's all my dish!

(End of this chapter)

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