Chapter 360 Evacuate Theme Song City
The round-faced counter lady finally recovered from the long shock. She looked at her mobile phone screen, and then at a man and a woman sitting not far away. The boy avoided the camera, and only the girl was facing the camera.

There is no doubt about it!
It's a real little glutton!

The round-faced cabinet sister was eager to prove to Xiao Taotie, and quickly typed: [I was right there, and Xiao Taotie only smoked one!I can vouch for it! 】

[You guarantee?Who are you?What identity?What qualifications guarantee? 】

[I am the front desk lady of the Doraemon-themed KTV, and the counter-sister of the Doraemon blind box counter. I also have an invoice certificate here, which proves that only one of this Doraemon was sold during this time period. 】

[Maybe you are a trick! 】

[Yes, maybe it's an advertisement for your themed KTV! 】

[Certificate of billing?Why can't this kind of thing be faked?You can disassemble countless of them from the warehouse and touch them, and finally only issue one ticket to her. 】

The round-faced cabinet sister was in a hurry: [I can swear!Everything I say is true! 】

【swear?If swearing was useful, there wouldn't be so many criminals in this world! 】

【that is!A liar will never admit that he is lying! 】

[Some people lie so much that they even believe themselves! 】

"I really didn't lie!" The round-faced cabinet lady said excitedly.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked up at her at the same time.

There were already tears in the eyes of the round-faced cabinet sister. Little Taotie looked at her mobile phone screen. The words were written too fast, but she could still see some of them. There was someone trying to prove it for her.

Little Taotie put down his phone and trotted over, "Sister, Yuanyuan, is that you?"

Yuanyuan is the D voice account of the cabinet sister.

The round-faced cabinet sister nodded, she was too excited to speak, she saw the little Taotie up close!

Although Little Taotie is wearing a mask, those eyes are really beautiful!
It looks like it is covered with the Milky Way, so shiny!

"Sister, don't worry about it, I'll just pretend you didn't see it. Brother Gu Bei said that those people are black people, and the more you pay attention to them, the more they will push forward, endlessly."

"The little glutton is the most transparent!" The round-faced cabinet sister took out a photo of Zai Zai from the drawer, which was a photo from the "Pastoral Life" program, "Zai Zai, can you sign me?"

He had heard that Zai Zai's signature was very unique, it was a small white beast, and the round-faced cabinet sister looked expectantly at Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie took out the small seal from his pocket, let out a breath towards the seal, and printed it on the photo, leaving a pattern of a small white beast,

"so cute!"

Little Taotie shyly said, "I think it's cute too."

The hand of the round-faced cabinet sister was about to move, "Can I... shake hands with you?"

Little Taotie nodded and stretched out his little hand.

Looking at this white and tender little hand, the round-faced cabinet sister screamed excitedly: "It's great!"You can hold Zai Zai's little hand!So happy!
She gently held Little Taotie's hand, "I won't wash my hands anymore!"

Little Taotie looked at her in astonishment, and shook his head in disapproval: "No, it's dirty!"

The round-faced cabinet lady blushed: "I don't want to wash the hands I shook with you!"

Hua Jinyan came over and lowered his voice: "We must get out of here quickly?"

Just now he took a look at Xiao Taotie's cell phone on the sofa. On the screen of the phone, frantic messages were swiped, all of them were looking for fans of Xiao Taotie at the Doraemon-themed KTV.

Some people are already on the road now, and they will arrive soon.

Little Taotie waved his small hand towards the round-faced cabinet sister: "Sister, goodbye!"

The round-faced cabinet lady hurriedly responded, waving vigorously: "Goodbye, goodbye, little glutton!"

Hua Jinyan left the KTV first with Xiao Taotie, and sat down at the milk tea shop opposite, then called Gu Bei and told him what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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