Chapter 363
"Pastoral Life" has finally come back this time after it was closed last time because of the hurtful incident between children.

The entire program was re-arranged, and only a few guests were retained, and the others did not continue to renew their contracts.

Actor Xu and Cheng Lu were invited again, and Little Taotie was now popular and was also invited.

Gu Bei said he was Xiao Taotie's assistant, but Cheng Guodong was too busy recently, he was more like Xiao Taotie's manager.

He asked Little Taotie if he wanted to go, Little Taotie learned that Cheng Lu and Xu Yingdi had also gone, nodded: "I want to go too!"


On the day the filming of the show started, Cheng Lu was very excited when she saw Xiao Taotie, hugged and kissed her, Xiao Taotie rubbed her face affectionately with her small face, and obediently called out: "Mother Cheng!"

"Little Taotie, I miss you so much!"

Cheng Lu became popular through this variety show, and later filmed commercials with Best Actor Xu, and she has entered the ranks of second-tier artists.

Xu Yingdi stood aside, looking at the "mother and daughter" who had been reunited for a long time with gentle eyes and a smile.

This scene was captured by the camera.

This time, the pastoral life will not be broadcast live online. The live broadcast is too dangerous. It is safer to edit the program, and the non-compliant ones can be deleted immediately.

The live broadcast did not even have the chance to be deleted, so the program was almost completely banned to the end.

The program of resurrection from the dead did not dare to take any risks.

Director: "This issue is about your family entertaining friends from afar."

"Who are you entertaining?" Xu Yingdi asked.

"When someone comes, you will know!" The director said mysteriously: "You three all know each other!"

"We all know each other?" Cheng Lu was at a loss.

Little Taotie tilted his head and asked, "Are you also a celebrity?"

The director snapped his fingers: "That's right!"

Cheng Lu and Xu Yingdi analyzed it. The two of them knew half of the entertainers in the entertainment industry. So if you want to guess who it is, it depends on who Little Taotie knows.

"Don't guess, people are coming!" The director suddenly pointed down the mountain.

Everyone looked down the mountain, and saw a man coming with a backpack and a suitcase in one hand.

"Gu Yixing!" Cheng Lu exclaimed.

This is top class!How could you participate in this program that had an accident and was banned for a while?Aren't you afraid of affecting his reputation?

The more top-tier celebrities are, the more they cherish their feathers.

Actor Xu was also very surprised. According to the current popularity of taking care of artists, he shouldn't need to participate in variety shows, right?

It seems that I haven't seen him participate in variety shows?

Gu Yixing climbed up the mountain, his eyes fixed on the little Taotie.

Film Emperor Xu and Cheng Lu were about to greet each other when Gu Yixing walked past them and came directly in front of Little Taotie, squatted down, and grabbed a handful of candy from his pocket: "Eat candy, sister."

Little Taotie's eyes sparkled, "Brother Xing Xing!"

Gu Yixing stuffed the candy into the little Taotie's pocket, took one and removed the wrapper, and fed it to the little Taotie's mouth: "Ah, open your mouth."

Little Taotie opened his mouth obediently, and the sugar was stuffed into his mouth, it was a sweet strawberry flavor.

The little Taotie smiled and rolled his eyes, the dimples were shallow, "It's delicious!"

Gu Yixing rubbed her little head and asked, "How have you been recently?"

Little Taotie nodded, and answered with a big tongue, "Very good, there are a lot of delicious food every day!"

Gu Yixing remembered that after leaving the film crew, he looked for the information of Xiao Taotie. Among them, Xiao Taotie appeared in the public eye for the first time. He looked thin and small, and he looked like he couldn't get enough to eat.

Looking at the satisfied face of the little girl in front of him, it seems that being able to eat a lot of delicious food every day is the happiest thing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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