Chapter 375 Climbing Trees to Pick Oranges

The photographer was stunned for three seconds before suddenly waking up.

After working all day and night, he was too tired. He had planned to send a message to the director to explain it, but he fell asleep when he got home, and he didn't think of anything.

"I forgot to tell you! It's like this..."

After listening to the phone call from his old partner, the director understood the specific situation, but was still a little dazed.

He looked at the little Taotie, and sighed in his heart: The little girl can really do great things!

Gu Yixing, Xu Yingdi, and Cheng Lu were all surprised when they heard the cause and effect from the director.

Actor Xu looked at Xiao Taotie and asked, "The 3000 million fans are all real fans?"

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Are there any fake fans?"

understood!The little girl didn't even know there was such a thing as a zombie fan!Actor Xu took out his mobile phone, opened the D-tone account, and looked at the 5000 million fans on his page, half of them must be zombie fans, probably bought by the company.

Calculated in this way, his actual number of fans is about 2000, which is not as good as Xiao Taotie.


Film Emperor Xu gave Xiao Taotie a thumbs up: "Little Taotie is very powerful, you must cherish them if you have so many fans supporting you."

Little Taotie nodded his head, and responded seriously: "They are all the best, and I will definitely cherish their kindness to me!"

Cheng Lu looked at the poor 300 million fans on her D tone page, feeling sad!If she hadn't turned up on variety shows, she would still be a salted fish, and she might not even have [-] fans.

Little Taotie didn't need to worry about the next thing, the village chief discussed with the choreographer.

The director helped the village head contact the courier company, and because of the huge order volume, he got a very low price.

Everything is going well, and the next step is to pick oranges, pack them and other tedious things.

The village chief wanted to go back and summon the villagers to pick oranges, and the director suggested that the stars should also experience picking oranges.

Naturally, the village head would not refuse, but said with some concern: "Picking oranges is very hard."

Choreographer: "It's okay, just experience it."

A group of people followed the village chief to the village.

The mountain village where Xiao Taotie lived in the past also had orange trees, but the oranges were very sour, unlike the sweet and delicious oranges here.

In a group of two, the program team gave them two bamboo baskets and asked them to fill them up.

When it was time to group, Gu Yixing said directly: "I'm in a group with Little Taotie."

Actor Xu and Cheng Lu looked at each other without refusing.

Gu Yixing carried the bamboo basket on his back, and led the little Taotie into the orange grove.

"Brother Xingxing, I'm really good at picking oranges!"

"You are not as tall as an orange tree, and you can still pick oranges?"

"Don't you believe it? I'll pick it out for you!"

Little Taotie climbed up the tree like a little monkey.

When Gu Yixing came to his senses, Little Taotie had already freed himself from his hand and quickly climbed up the tree. Seeing her climbing up, Gu Yixing didn't dare to scare her with a loud voice, so he could only lower his voice: "Come down, it's dangerous up there."

"Brother Xingxing, take the bamboo basket and put it on the ground."

"Come down." Gu Yixing said angrily.

Little Taotie giggled, sitting on the branch of the tree, swinging his feet mischievously, "It's okay, I've been climbing trees in the village, I'm so good, I won't fall!"

"Hey, come down quickly." Gu Yixing was a little helpless.

Little Taotie let go of the tree trunk and reached out to pick the oranges.

Gu Yixing was nervous the whole time, and stretched out his hand to protect her. If she fell, he could catch her immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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