The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 377 Go to Xiaokai's House to Pick Oranges

Chapter 377 Go to Xiaokai's House to Pick Oranges

There was a picture in Gu Yixing's mind, a sallow and thin girl, a little girl climbed up a tree, picked a fruit, her eyes sparkled with anticipation, but when she ate it, her face wrinkled instantly, and her whole body was sour. Arrived.

The two went down the mountain, stood on the flat ground and looked up at those hills, and they would find that, except for the two hills that were vacated for them to shoot, the rest of the hills were full of people.

It is the men who pick the oranges. The men pick the oranges and send them to the entrance of the village. There are many cardboard boxes at the entrance of the village. The women wait here, and when the oranges come, they pack them into boxes.

It didn't take long for a row of cars with the name of the courier company to drive over, and it was the courier brother who came to pick up the goods.

Everything is in order.

Little Taotie saw the little boy among the crowd packing cardboard boxes, and ran over.

Xiao Kai also saw Xiao Taotie, stopped what she was doing, and waved vigorously at her.

Little Taotie ran up to him and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Xiao Kai shook his head: "Actually, they don't even need me."

"Thank you for your help, I will take you to my house to eat oranges!"

Little Taotie nodded his head and followed Xiaokai away.

When Gu Yixing turned around after completing the task, the little Taotie was gone!
After asking several people, I learned that Xiao Taotie went home with a little boy.

Gu Yixing helped his forehead: "Did you just get kidnapped?"

Following the direction pointed by the villagers, Gu Yixing found it.

Xiao Taotie came to Xiao Kai's house and saw the orange tree that his grandfather planted on the day Xiao Kai was born, and the orange tree was full of huge fruits.

Xiao Kai took a pole and wanted to knock down the oranges, but Xiao Taotie stopped him, "It will be broken! I'll pick it!"

Little Taotie easily climbed up the tree, "Put that bamboo basket of yours down there!"

"Okay!" Xiao Kai hurriedly brought the bamboo basket.

Little Taotie picked the oranges with ease, and threw each one into the basket accurately.

Xiao Kai clapped her hands under the tree and cheered for her.

After a while, the bamboo basket was full, and the little Taotie jumped down, clapped his little hands, and his little face was filled with a joyful smile of harvest.

"Can I take these with me?"

"Of course you can, as much as you want!"

Little Taotie picked up the bamboo basket, "Then I'm going back!"

"Let me help you out."

"No! I'm strong!"

Xiao Kai admired her for carrying it smoothly and walking steadily.

"Xiao Kai, how old are you?"

"I'm five years old!"

Little Taotie was triumphant: "I'm six years old! I'm going to be seven soon! You must call me sister!"

Xiao Kai was not too convinced, and tried to stand up straight, "We are obviously about the same height!"

"The comparison is about age, not height! Anyway, you are younger than me, and I helped you, so you are my little brother!"

Xiao Kai muffled: "For the sake of helping me, I will call you sister."


"Okay,... my sister!"

"Hey, how cute!"

Gu Yixing originally rushed over with a worried mood, but now seeing this scene, he couldn't help but chuckled softly.

Hearing the movement, Xiao Taotie and Xiao Kai looked over at the same time.

Gu Yixing suppressed a smile: "You can pretend that I don't exist, you continue."

Little Taotie came to him with a heavy basket on his back, "Brother Xing Xing, look at my harvest!"

The corner of Gu Yixing's mouth twitched, he finally handed over a basket just now, why did another basket come?

He reached out to help the little girl take off the basket, and put it on his back, "These oranges look very bright in color, where did they come from?"

Little Taotie pointed to an orange tree, and said in a childish voice, "Look! It's that tree, the fruit is brighter than other trees, and it must be very sweet! My grandfather said that the bright fruit is when the sun shines enough. It is the sun that paints it the brightest colors!"

(End of this chapter)

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