Chapter 380 This Candy Is Delicious
"Try it, this candy is delicious."

"I do not want."

"Don't be shy, it's really delicious, and my daughter likes it very much." He said as he peeled off a candy and ate it, as if expressing that his candy was not poisonous.

Little Taotie looked at the black mushroom on his head, and at the sincere smile on his face, and felt that he was better at acting than actor Xu, and that he was the real actor.

Little Taotie turned around and ran away, still shouting: "There is a kidnapper! There is a kidnapper..."

People in the village hate kidnappers the most. When they heard that a child had encountered a kidnapper, they immediately rushed to help.

They separated the distance between the man and the little Taotie, two women with thick arms stepped forward and clasped the man's hands upside down.

The man screamed like a pig: "Let go of me, I'm not a kidnapper! I'm a scout, and I have a business card!"

This is an identity that has been arranged long ago. If it is exposed, he will pretend to be a scout, not a bad person.

Use scouts to take a fancy to the child, saying that the child is very talented.Coupled with the temptation of money, talk about how the entertainment industry can make money.In this way, the child is deceived from the hands of the child's parents.

A woman took the business card and looked it over carefully, and asked the little Taotie, "Is he really a kidnapper?"

Little Taotie was not sure, but he had a very serious expression on his face, "Yes, he is a kidnapper! Give me candy, there must be medicine in it!"

The man panicked, and the candy in his hand fell to the ground.

The woman rushed forward to pick up the candy, "I will feed the candy to the chickens now, and if anything happens, I will make you pay for it!"

A fat and strong rooster was forcibly stuffed with a little candy. It didn't take long for the whole body to convulse, closed its eyes, and fell into a long-term coma.

"You poisoned the sugar?"

"No!" The man denied immediately.

The village veterinarian went up to examine the chicken and said, "It's not poisoned, it seems to be asleep."

The woman put the head of the chicken into the cold water, and the chicken quickly came to its senses. The wings flapped the water, and the water splashed on the woman's face, which made her very angry.

The woman regarded the man as a target to vent her anger, and asked angrily: "You still say you are not a kidnapper! Put medicine in the child's candy to make the child fall asleep, and then take the child out of the market?"

"Call the police, Aunt Chen, call the police immediately!"

"Yes, you should call the police!"

The woman thought it made sense and immediately called the police.

When the program crew saw the police coming, they realized that Xiao Taotie was almost kidnapped by a kidnapper, and everyone was very nervous.

The choreographer and director were so scared that he was in a bad mood. If Xiao Taotie was abducted, not to mention the end of the pastoral life show, even his professional life would come to an end!

Gu Yixing carefully checked the little Taotie, "Are you really okay?"

Little Taotie clenched his small fists, stood up straight, and said confidently, "I'm in great shape!"

Gu Yixing was amused by her strange appearance.

The man resisted to no avail and was finally taken away by the police.

The unscrupulous businessman heard the news brought by the bodyguard, and the person sent out was arrested as a kidnapper.

The unscrupulous businessman started smashing things again.

An hour later, the unscrupulous businessman looked at the broken porcelain all over the floor, and felt even more angry.

"Tao Ti! Broken my business! And now I have sent my capable men to the police station! I will settle everything with you!"

The bodyguard asked: "Continue to target..."

The unscrupulous businessman snorted coldly: "Don't worry about those fruit growers."

The bodyguard resigned, but was stopped by the unscrupulous businessman, "Invest in a movie, ask Tao Ti to play the heroine's childhood."

The bodyguard couldn't understand at all, "Is this for her money?"

(End of this chapter)

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