Chapter 385 The Apple Pie You Wanted
Teacher Beibei never expected that she would be warmly welcomed by the cubs. She was so happy that she held the cubs' hand and asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!"

Little Gluttony: "Apple pie!"

"Okay!" Teacher Beibei patted her head: "Wait for me!"

After that, the man ran away.

Gu Yixing heaved a sigh of relief, and took Xiao Taotie's hand to take him away from this place, for fear that Teacher Beibei would catch another larva to make a skewer.

Little Taotie was unhappy, and shook Gu Yixing's hand vigorously: "I'll wait for Teacher Beibei!"

"We pick mushrooms, there are no mushrooms here."

"I'm waiting for Teacher Beibei! Don't leave here!"

"Let's go pick mushrooms first. If he can't see us, he will find us himself."

"do not want!"

"He is looking for food, we should also help find food, we can't just wait for him to get food, we should also contribute!"

Hearing this, Little Taotie hesitated: "Is he really going to come?"

"He is so powerful, this island is like his back garden, it is easy to find us!"

"...Then let's go pick mushrooms."

Gu Yixing nodded, took Xiao Taotie's little hand and left, unwilling to linger for a moment.

The two searched for several trees, and finally found a fungus at the root of a tree.

"Is this edible?" Little Taotie raised his head and looked at Gu Yixing suspiciously.

The mushrooms on the ground are black, and they don't look delicious.

Gu Yixing smiled and said, "You can eat it! This is a mushroom! It's delicious!"

Gu Yixing was very fortunate that he once filmed a movie in which he played a poor student.

Students from poor families will go home to help during the busy farming season, and they will also go to the mountains with their cousins ​​to find treasures.

At that time, he was popularized about a lot of fungi, among which was the bovine mushroom.

Gu Yixing carefully picked off the porcini mushrooms, and at this moment Teacher Beibei has come!

Little Taotie's sharp eyes saw Teacher Beibei from afar, and shouted at him: "Teacher Beibei!"

Before Gu Yixing wanted to cover Xiao Taotie's mouth, Teacher Beibei had already looked over and ran towards here.

The only thing Gu Yixing breathed a sigh of relief was that Teacher Beibei didn't have a skewer in his hand at the moment.

Teacher Beibei ran to Xiao Taotie, knelt down, took out a bag from her pocket and handed it to her, "The apple pie you want."

Little Taotie took it, opened the bag, and there was real apple pie inside!
What Xiao Taotie actually wants is the skewered "apple pie"!
But now smelling real apple pie and thinking this one is even better!

She took a small bite, the taste was sweet, and she narrowed her eyes in happiness for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Beibei, how come there are apple pies on the island?"

"Oh, I snatched it from the director." Teacher Beibei said calmly.

After being robbed, the choreographer looked hopeless.

The photographer persuaded: "It's a big deal, it's just a piece of apple pie, isn't it?"

The director said bitterly, "That's my dignity!"

Teacher Beibei is notoriously strict!
Participating in other people's programs is forcing big stars to eat bugs, drink water with bugs, and sink into stinky gutters full of bugs!
How come he robbed his apple pie and opened the back door for Xiao Taotie when he was on the show!

After eating the apple pie, Little Glutton got closer to Teacher Beibei, "Mr. Beibei, you are amazing!"

She said that Brother Xingxing didn't have a fishing rod, so he didn't catch any fish. Teacher Beibei made a fishing rod on the spot.

Teacher Beibei smiled and said, "Let me make you a cabin."

Little Taotie's eyes sparkled: "Can I join in?"

"of course can!"

Gu Yixing watched the little Taotie run away with others, like a happy little bird.

(End of this chapter)

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