Chapter 388

Teacher Beibei took a deep look at Gu Yixing and stopped talking.

Little Taotie insisted on going into the sea, but Teacher Beibei chose to let the cubs go, let the cubs play freely, and don't control them too much.

Gu Yixing wanted to control him, but he couldn't control him at all.

Gu Yixing can only ask Teacher Beibei to take care of Gu Xiaotaotie more, because he can't swim and cannot go into the water to protect Xiao Taotie.

Teacher Beibei: "You can learn to swim, and I can teach you."

Gu Yixing politely declined.

Teacher Beibei didn't insist, but dived into the water and watched the little Taotie go.

In the water, the little Taotie is like a fish.

Teacher Beibei once again felt that Xiao Taotie was suitable for joining the army, climbing trees and entering the water, with great strength, he was a pillar.

Little Taotie was so good at underwater, he held his breath for a long time, Teacher Beibei felt that he was about to lose his breath.

Fortunately, before Teacher Beibei lost face, Little Taotie floated to the surface of the water to breathe.

Teacher Beibei also floated to the surface to breathe.

I was relieved: at least I didn't lose to the children!

Little Taotie saw a lot of fish in the water, but he didn't know if it was poisonous, so he didn't dare to touch it. He just followed Teacher Beibei to pick up shellfish under the water.

Turn up the fire and grill these seafood over the fire.

The fragrance wafts away.

It was very close to the place where actor Xu and Cheng Lu were. Cheng Lu's stomach growled when he smelled the fragrance.

Actress Xu actually doesn't feel hungry. For him who suffers from severe anorexia, the state of not eating is the most comfortable state.

Seeing Cheng Lu's uncomfortable face, he understood that she was starving.

"You go find them."

Cheng Lu shook her head: "I don't want to see Teacher Beibei."

The way Teacher Beibei held the worm and invited her to eat seemed to be still lingering in front of her eyes.

"Then you hold on a little longer?" Xu Yingdi asked.

Cheng Lu gritted her teeth: "Well, I'll persevere!"

Fearing that she couldn't help it, Cheng Lu reached out and pinched her nose to prevent the scent from entering her nose.

Cheng Lu was photographed trying to starve.

The director smirked: "This shot is not bad, it is a wonderful moment!"

Photographer: "Actor Xu has anorexia, I'm afraid we can't hide it."

The director's smile froze: "I never thought it would be like this."

Cameraman: "The broadcast of the show will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

Director: "Isn't it a good thing to be topical? Forget it, I'll take a look at the time, if it really doesn't work, just cut what should be cut! Fortunately, this time it's not a live broadcast. If it were a live broadcast, it would be hard to get over it. It's over!"

The cameraman nodded: "You still don't want to take the risk of live broadcasting in the future."

Little Taotie went into the sea again, this time purely playing in the water.

Teacher Beibei followed her, silently protecting her.

Little Taotie thought of something, turned his head suddenly, and floated to the surface of the water.

Teacher Beibei followed to the surface of the water.

"Are there big lobsters in the sea?"


"Brother likes to eat, I want to catch a big lobster for him to eat!"

Teacher Beibei: "It's a bit difficult, but it's not impossible!"

Little Taotie was very excited: "I want to catch a big lobster!"

Gu Yixing: "Can you restrain yourself!"

But the two didn't listen to him at all, and had already dived into the sea.

It's useless for Gu Yixing to be anxious, he can only find the program group.

The director spread his hands: "I don't care about Teacher Beibei's affairs."

Gu Yixing frowned: "You invited him, why don't you take care of him?"

The director handed over the contract: "The contract is signed, but I can't manage it. If you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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