Chapter 390 Xiaokai is under a lot of pressure
When Xiao Taotie was on the desert island, the first episode of "Pastoral Life" was broadcast on TV.

Although it is an edited content, it does not hinder the enthusiasm of the audience.

The most enthusiastic people are those who bought oranges.

Fan No. 1: "Mom, come and see! My message is on TV!"

Fan No. 2: "My family, the oranges you love are from this village, we can watch the process of picking them!"

Fan No. 3 was watching TV while peeling oranges, happily saying, "It's really good, I've already made an appointment for next year's oranges!"

Simultaneous broadcast on the Internet, netizens asked one after another:

【Where to place an order?】

【Are there any more oranges? 】

[Ask for a link! 】

【what?Can I only make an appointment for next year? 】

Fans of Little Gluttony were elated:

[I grabbed ten boxes! 】

[Me too, ten boxes!Ten boxes full of oranges! 】

[Pictures and pictures! 】

[Hehehe, there's nothing to show off, I'll just show you the spectacular picture of thirty boxes of oranges! 】

Xiao Taotie gathered a group of middle-aged aunt fans, guarding her live broadcast room, just to grab 1 yuan a catty of high mountain oranges!
Netizen No. 1: [My mother clicks on Xiao Taotie's D-sound page every day, she is more diligent than me! 】

Netizen No. 2: [My 80-year-old grandma waits to grab oranges every day! 】

Netizen No. 3: [I snatched ten boxes of oranges, but I haven't eaten them yet. My mother gave them away, and told me that everyone praises the oranges for being sweet!I myself... didn't eat any of them! 】

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up on the Internet, and the major Internet celebrities began to post oranges. The more oranges, the more likes!

In the mountain village, the village head earned a lot of money and bought a projector.He called the whole village and sat on the open space to watch the show.

"I saw Xiaokai!" an old woman said excitedly.

Xiao Kai blushed: "My snot is more photogenic than mine! Why do you zoom in on my snot!"

The whole village laughed, not to ridicule, but to love Xiaokai.

For the fruit farmers in the village, the program group, the little gluttons, and the customers who bought oranges are all their benefactors, and Xiao Kai is the great benefactor of the whole village.

If Xiaokai hadn't thought of live broadcasting to bring goods, and hadn't found the house where the star lived, I'm afraid everything that followed would be impossible.

For the villagers, it was like a miracle. They were still worried the day before and couldn't sleep at night.Early the next morning, I learned from the village head that all the oranges were sold out!
The village chief smiled and said, "I heard that Xiao Taotie is also a child from the mountain village, and a program team went to the village to film a variety show and captured her. Later, a company came to ask her to sign a contract, and she became the current child star."

A villager joked with a smile: "Maybe our little Kai can also become the next little glutton, walk out of the village and become a household name!"

Grandpa Xiaokai was worried: "The entertainment industry is not a good place. I heard that Xiao Taotie was hacked by many people before, and the scolding was very ugly."

Villager: "There are a lot of people who are popular, and it is unavoidable."

The old woman in the village: "At least it's popular!"

Grandpa Xiaokai shook his head: "I can afford Xiaokai, as long as Xiaokai studies hard!"

The villagers nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Grandpa Xiaokai's statement.

The grandmother in the village: "Xiao Kai is a child with great wisdom. He is a five-year-old child who can solve problems that are difficult for the whole village. When he goes to school, he will definitely be the first in the exam every time. I heard that the number one in the college entrance examination has Lots of bonuses!"

The villagers laughed and said: "Xiao Kai is so smart, he will definitely be able to go to the capital to go to university in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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