Chapter 403 The deceased had his heart taken away

The male policeman was a little angry, frowned and looked at Xiao Taotie, his eyes were full of disapproval.

Little Taotie pursed his mouth in grievance, and stopped talking.

Seeing that the little girl's eyes were red, as if she was about to cry, the male policeman thought he should stop asking, since a child doesn't know anything anyway.

Little Taotie walked out of the room with his head drooping, and was held by Gu Yixing's little hand. Gu Yixing asked concerned: "Are you all right?"

Little Taotie was not in a high mood, and said softly, "It's okay, I want to go home."

Gu Yixing looked at the policeman unkindly, "The questioning is over, can we go?"

The male policeman was a little guilty and aggrieved. He didn't say anything serious, but just gave her a fierce look. Who would let the child talk nonsense.

Hey, children are really difficult to get along with!
The male policeman nodded: "Go back, please keep your mobile phone unblocked."

Gu Yixing didn't reply, he turned around and left holding Xiao Taotie's hand.

People left the island one after another. Cheng Guodong received a call and learned of the situation on the island, so he personally took a helicopter to pick up Xiao Taotie.

Cheng Guodong nodded politely to Gu Yixing, reached out to hug the little Taotie, turned around and boarded the helicopter.

After the plane left, Gu Yixing also boarded the yacht and left the island with several other familiar artists.

Police remained on the island to gather evidence.

Forensic scientists searched missing persons databases through DNA data from the skeleton, but found no such data.

The forensic doctor sent the latest report. After examination, it was determined that the skeleton was a woman who died of severe head trauma and had her heart removed after death.

The male policeman's hands trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the report.

The other policemen around me were worried and asked, "Did you stay up too late recently, why are your hands shaking?"

The male policeman looked at the female policeman, and found that the female policeman's lips were trembling at the moment.

Male policeman: "Do you still remember what Little Taotie said?"

The female policeman recalled it for a while, her face became even paler, and Xiao Taotie's voice seemed to echo in her ears: "But, sister Ah Piao, who has a big hole in her heart, is really standing behind her..."

Male policeman: "According to reports, the woman died 20 years ago."

The policewoman's lips trembled: "It doesn't make sense, Xiao Taotie has no reason to know that her heart has been taken away, it doesn't make sense..."

The surrounding policemen looked at each other and asked in doubt:
"What charades are you playing?"

"What does this matter have to do with little Taotie? Little Taotie knows the cause of death of the deceased?"

"Little Taotie knew that the heart had been taken from the deceased? But what was found on the island was obviously a skeleton, not a corpse. How can you tell that the heart is missing from the skeleton?"

"There are only a bunch of skeletons left. If it weren't for the advanced equipment and the ability of the forensic doctor, who would have known that the heart had been taken from the deceased?"

"That's right, it's impossible to know! Unless Xiao Taotie saw the deceased 20 years ago!"

"Are you kidding me, little Taotie is only six years old!"

The male policeman rubbed his temples: "Everyone be quiet, I'm getting a headache from your noise!"

"It's fine if you make it clear, we are also impatient!"

"Yes! What's going on?"

The male policeman sighed, and told what happened during the recording that day.

The policewoman trembled her lips: "At that time she said that Ah Piao was behind me!"

There were several gasping sounds in the audience.

Suddenly, a weak voice broke the silence, "During the first live broadcast, Xiao Taotie forgot to turn off the live broadcast room. I was lucky enough to stay in the live broadcast room to watch. At that time, Xiao Taotie seemed to say that she was in a metaphysics class!"

"Mystery class?"

(End of this chapter)

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