Chapter 405
Xiao Taotie is embarrassed to say that the flowers on Hua Jinyan's head used to be rich and colorful, it seems that there are all kinds of flowers.

His head is like a mountain, full of flowers, each in full bloom.

Later, he heard that he liked roses, and since then, only roses have bloomed on his head.

Little Taotie looked at the rose flower bracelet on his wrist, and said softly, "It's similar to the flowers on the bracelet, there are many, many, and the colors are very bright."

Hua Jinyan raised the corner of his mouth: "I'm very happy."

Little Taotie looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he was happy about.

"I'm very happy, the flower you like is blooming on my head."

"Before... not."

"You mean that the roses bloomed on my head before?"

Little Taotie nodded.

Hua Jinyan smiled, and the sun was shining brightly: "Explain, they are opened for you, do you like them?"

Seeing him smiling, Little Taotie was infected, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and Xiao Li dimpled slightly: "I like it."

Seeing her finally smiling, Hua Jinyan heaved a sigh of relief, and then returned to the subject, talking about the topic just now, "For ordinary people, it is unimaginable that we can see those Ah Piao. Atheists will tell us If we are talking nonsense, we will think we are lying, maybe even think we are mentally ill."

Little Taotie was furious: "Our brains are not sick!"

Hua Jinyan laughed softly: "Those who don't believe, unless they see it with their own eyes, they won't believe it at all. That's not right, maybe let them see it with their own eyes, they won't believe it, maybe they will think it's some high-tech The light and shadow effects created by the lights. People who don’t believe in it will use thousands of reasons to deny us.”

"But... I didn't lie." Xiao Taotie was very wronged, recalling the fierce eyes of the police uncle and the picture of flowers withering above his head, he felt very sad.

"You just know that you're not lying."

Hua Jinyan sighed: "Actually, I have always wanted to remind you that you care too much about what others think."

Little Taotie lowered his head and whispered, "I hope...not to be disliked."

She wants everyone to like her, even a little bit.

At first, it was to prove that he was not an annoying child.

Later, it was because he wanted to restore the spirit of the little white beast in his dream, and hoped that the little white beast could wake up.

"Do you have the contact information of the police?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Little Taotie was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Do you remember what he looked like?"

Little Taotie nodded: "I remember."

"Let's go, I'll take you to find him!" Hua Jinyan walked over, took Xiao Taotie's hand, and wanted to take her away.

"do not go……"

Little Taotie didn't want to see the police uncle, let alone see the flowers wither.

"I called Teacher Ma and asked Teacher Ma for eye drops, so that the police can temporarily see A Piao, let him see it with his own eyes, and let him know that he misunderstood you."

"He's going to be scared."

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes, and a look of evil flashed in his eyes, thinking: Isn't it good to be scared?
Looking up again, his eyes were gentle and his voice was soft: "No, he is a policeman. He has never seen such a big scene. How could he be frightened by such a trivial matter? You are not afraid, how can the police be afraid?"


"Of course!"


"Don't worry about it, if you have a misunderstanding, you have to solve it. You don't want to be misunderstood all the time, do you?"

Little Taotie nodded, really wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, and wanted those morning glories to bloom again.

(End of this chapter)

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