Chapter 414 Impossible to run away from home

Who are they?

Why are their faces etched deep in the soul?
Ah Piao tightly covered her head, closed her eyes, and tried her best to remember, even though there were bursts of tingling pain, she was still trying to remember...

A drop of dark red blood dripped from her forehead, and a meandering pool of blood appeared under her feet.

"Sister, don't think about it anymore, your spirit body is becoming more and more transparent!" Little Taotie shouted eagerly.

Ah Piao still persisted, trying to find out the identities of these two people from his memory.

She was sure that the two faces that appeared at the beginning, a man and a woman with dimples on their faces, were her parents.

But later, who replaced the two faces of the two of them?

"You don't need to be so anxious to recall. Waiting for the police to find out more information may be of great help to your memory recovery. Calm down, even if you remember it now, it may not be correct. For example, if your surname is wrong Yet?"

Hearing this, Ah Piao gradually calmed down, she opened her eyes without whites, and stared closely at Mo Haihao with those dark gray foggy eyes.

"Calm down?"

Ah Piao closed his eyes for a long time, and when he opened them again, his pupils were black and white, apart from the dull eyes, they were considered normal.

Mo Haihao sighed: "Your parents are just a daughter like you. You have been away for ten years. During this period, they didn't even call the police, and they didn't seem to find you. How much hatred and hatred do you have with them? Can you still remember the reason why you ran away from home?"

"I don't know, I don't have any impression." A Piao muttered to himself, "I don't think I'm a person who would run away from home."

Although she has forgotten many things, she can still be sure that she is not an extreme person. It is not something she would do to run away from home.

"According to what you said, my parents only have one daughter, so it is even more impossible for me to abandon my old parents and run away from home."

"Old parents?" Mo Haihao grasped the point.

A Piao nodded: "In my memory, my parents are very old, with wrinkled faces and calluses on their hands. They seem to be farming, their skin is very dark, and the wind and rain make their skin very dry , very old."

"According to the investigation by the police, you were born in a relatively poor mountain village. Your parents are old-fashioned girls. They did make a living by farming."

"Then there's no reason for me to run away from home. No matter how big the conflict is, I can't leave behind my elderly parents who have worked so hard all their lives to raise me up."

Ah Piao frowned tightly, black and gray air appeared all over her body, as if the resentment eaten by the little glutton was regenerated, she said hoarsely: "In my memory, I was obviously kidnapped! The kidnapper asked for 500 yuan Ten thousand!"

"You said my parents farmed in a mountain village. In my memory, my parents did look like farmers. But why did the kidnapper ask for 500 million?"

Ah Piao tightly covered her head: "I want to think about who they are, who they are, and what I have missed..."

"Calm down, your spirit body is about to disappear!"

Mo Haihao yelled angrily, and a piece of talisman paper appeared in his hand. He quickly wrote runes on the talisman paper with cinnabar, and the talisman was completed!

He pressed the talisman on Ah Piao's spirit body, and cracks had already appeared, and the spirit body that was about to collapse was fixed.

Ah Piao's eyes were dull, as if she had been frozen quickly, the cracks on her body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the talisman gradually turned into powder...

 2 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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