Chapter 417 Little Gluttony Little Crying Bag
She has an answer.

She showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Is the couple's son a healthy person now?"

Mo Haihao was taken aback for a moment, he was a smart person, looking at A Piao's expression, combined with her question, he vaguely had an answer.

"I need to investigate."

Mo Haihao got up and looked towards the setting sun, "I'll take my leave first."

Ah Piao didn't reply, but disappeared in a flash.

Little Taotie sent Mo Haihao away, and stood at the door for a long time, but he didn't see Sister A Piao come back.

The little Taotie returned to the living room dejectedly, nestled on the sofa, and sighed at a young age.

Hua Jinyan sat on the sofa at some point and looked at her sideways: "That Ah Piao left?"

Little Taotie nodded.

"The person who came to investigate the case is from the special department?"

Little Taotie thought for a while, then nodded: "It seems so."

"Have you found any clues?"

"My sister recovered her memory. They seemed to know something, but I didn't understand it."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Although Xiao Taotie didn't figure out what was going on, his memory was still very good.

After Xiao Taotie finished retelling, Hua Jinyan already had the answer.

"Heart, not everyone's heart can be transplanted and used."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Is that so? Then why do you want to take away my sister's heart, and it may not be usable!"

"If you try your best to take her heart away, it must be usable. The degree of matching between immediate family members will be higher."

"Immediate family members..."

"Parents, brothers, sisters who are related by blood."

Little Taotie struggled to think with his small head, and found an answer in a haze, as the fog dispersed.

Little Taotie's eyes widened, and those big round eyes were full of disbelief: "My sister is surnamed Wang, and that couple who look rich are my biological parents? My sister has a younger brother. He is an unhealthy person! In the end, my sister asked my eldest brother, is the couple’s son a healthy person now? It should be asking, has the younger brother who was originally unhealthy become a healthy person?"

Little Taotie covered his mouth and gasped: "So my sister's heart was stolen and put into that unhealthy younger brother's body, and that unhealthy younger brother has become healthy now!"

Hua Jinyan nodded heavily, with a cold expression.

The answer is always so cruel.

The spirit body has become a wraith and stayed in the world for 20 years. It must have been a more painful experience than ordinary people.

Little Taotie's eyes turned red: "I must have guessed wrong!"

Hua Jin said helplessly: "You know you guessed right."

"Hmph! I said I guessed wrong!" Little Taotie yelled, tears streaming down his face, turned his back, turned his back to Hua Jinyan, and buried his small face in the sofa.

From the sofa came the cry of the little Taotie, "Wooooow!" It was very pitiful.

Hua Jinyan moved his butt to get closer to her.

He reached out and patted her on the back gently, as if coaxing the baby to sleep.

Little Taotie, who was tired from crying, was patted gently and gradually fell asleep.

After falling asleep, she moved around by herself, found the most comfortable position, lay on her side, pressed her little hands under her little face, and fell asleep soundly.

Hua Jinyan looked at her closely, her face was flushed from crying, tears were still hanging on her curly and thick eyelashes, and her small red mouth was pouting, as if she was still unhappy in her sleep.

Hua Jinyan stretched out his finger, gently tapped on her rosy face, and smiled lightly: "Little crying bag!"

 5 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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