Chapter 423 All must lie back to the department

The corners of Mo Haihao's mouth slanted up, revealing a nasty smile.

He approached Hua Jinyan's ear, lowered his voice, and his voice revealed a strong sense of danger: "If I tell you what I came for, it may scare you!"

"Did you know that there are ghosts in this world."

"A Piao who will turn into various terrifying appearances after death..."

Mo Haihao tried his best to scare the little boy, wanting to see the fear in the other person's eyes and satisfy the evil taste in his heart.

But no, the little boy's eyes were calm, like a silent lake without waves.

The silence was terrible, without a trace of fear.

Mo Haihao tried his best to scare: "I mean there are many ghosts in this world, maybe there are around you. There really are! Look, it's on your left! It's looking at you with its tongue out, it's a hanged ghost!"

Hua Jinyan looked at him quietly, listening to his nonsense.

"I'm telling the truth! Don't be disbelieving! Look at my eyes! These are yin and yang eyes. I can see things that ordinary people can't see, such as——Ah Piao!"

"..." Hua Jinyan's face was paralyzed.

Mo Haihao was very depressed when he saw that he couldn't scare him at all.

You can't even scare a child, so if you spread the word, how can you mess around?
Mo Haihao still wanted to continue to scare him hard, but the little Taotie tilted his head and said in a childish voice, "Where is the hanged ghost? Why didn't I see it?"

Mo Haihao made a silent motion towards Little Taotie.

Little Taotie suddenly realized: "You're lying again!"

After knowing that he lied to Sister A Piao, he was a big liar who was labeled as a "liar" by Little Taotie.

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense!" Mo Haihao pointed in one direction: "Look, there's another Apiao over there!"

Hua Jinyan continued to be paralyzed, his eyes unmoved.

Mo Haihao was a little frustrated.

Little Taotie's milky voice said, "Big liar, you can't fool Hua Jinyan!"

Mo Haihao frowned: "Why?"

Little Taotie giggled: "Because he is the same as me!"

"Just like you?"

"Yes, we can all see Ah Piao!"

Mo Haihao raised his forehead, and after doing it for a long time, he was like a monkey juggling, and he was seen as a joke for a long time!

Mo Haihao was sullen: "You can clearly see it, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Hua Jin said, "You didn't ask."

Mo Haihao choked.

Mo Haihao looked at Hua Jinyan suspiciously, "Can you really see supernatural beings?"

"Hmm." Hua Jinyan responded with a nasal voice.

"You can't have a better attitude, don't be so perfunctory."

Hua Jinyan glanced at him and said nothing.

This time even the nasal voice was stingy.

Mo Haihao was overjoyed: a small gluttonous is enough to surprise people, so there is a small ice cube here!

good good!
Very good!
All must be cheated back to the special department!
Mo Haihao rubbed his hands, thinking how to cheat, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Hua Jin said: "You look like a villain when you smile."

Mo Haihao tried his best to restrain himself, and his voice was soft and gentle: "Do you know the special department?"

Hua Jin said nothing.

Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were full of doubts.

Mo Haihao explained patiently: "Some things that cannot be explained by the supernatural, or extremely difficult cases, the country will dispatch special departments to some places to help investigate."

Hua Jin said that he lacked interest and even yawned.

Little Taotie was somewhat interested, with bright eyes, and asked, "You were sent by the special department to investigate sister A Piao's case? So the special department is to help many resentful spirits and punish the bad guys?"

 11 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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