Chapter 425 Meow!Brother, don't be angry!
When Cheng Guodong found out about this, it was Mo Haihao who had passed the report and issued a certificate to the two teammates.

Mo Haihao smiled and handed the two documents to the two children, touching their heads one by one, "From now on, I will be your captain!"

Little Taotie obediently let him touch his head, hugged his little notebook tightly, and felt happy.

Hua Jinyan kept his face away, unwilling to be touched.

Cheng Guodong frowned, sullen: "I am the guardian of the child! You don't even discuss with the guardian!"

Mo Haihao made an apologetic gesture, and the smile on his face was more like a cat stealing a fish, extremely cunning.

"Sorry, there is no way, the country needs them."

"Don't tell me there is no way! I don't agree with this kind of behavior, and I don't agree with the two children doing things for the country at a young age! And, can you guarantee their safety?"


"Oh, I don't believe it!"

Mo Haihao spread his hands: "This is the case, it's useless if you don't agree."

"I'm the child's guardian, and I don't agree with it!" Cheng Guodong couldn't suppress his temper anymore, and roared, "Who approved the six-year-old child to participate in the investigation? I don't believe that no one can cure him!"

Mo Haihao naturally knew that Cheng Guodong was not simple, and he had many contacts in the military and political circles.

But well~
Hey, both parties are afraid of the boss of their special department!

After all, who doesn't have an ancestor?
When the ancestor A Piao appeared, he asked you if you were afraid, and if you were obedient?

Mo Haihao spread his hands: "Then you go find someone to treat him, because I'm afraid... no one will dare to treat him."

With a dark face, Cheng Guodong acted as if chasing the guest, "Please leave."

Mo Haihao blew a kiss to Little Taotie, "My cute little team member, see you on Sunday!"

Cheng Guodong slammed the door shut, not wanting to see this horrible thing for a second longer.

Cheng Guodong sat on the sofa and sulked, even the little Taotie got annoyed.

Little Taotie looked at Cheng Guodong, then at Hua Jinyan, and whispered in Hua Jinyan's ear: "Brother is angry, what should I do?"

Hua Jinyan frowned: "Coax."

"How to coax?" Little Taotie lowered his head, like a dried up eggplant.

Hua Jinyan is also not good at coaxing adults, so he frowned and thought: "Like a little lion."

Little Taotie looked at the "little lion" rolling on the ground, and asked hesitantly, "Do I want to roll on the ground too?"

"Like the little lion's usual way of being coquettish and cute. doesn't work, just roll around on the ground until he doesn't get angry and agrees to let you go to the special department."

"Is it really useful?" Little Taotie was dubious.

Hua Jinyan was not too sure, and his tone lacked confidence: "Try it first, if it doesn't work, then think of another way."

Little Taotie nodded his head, and peeked at Cheng Guodong quietly with his small eyes.

Cheng Guodong's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, like a powder keg that was about to explode at any moment.

Little Taotie was apprehensive, but still mustered up the courage to move over in small steps, and finally moved to the side of the sofa.

Clinging to the side of the sofa with her little hands, she approached Cheng Guodong cautiously, and softly called out: "Brother~"

Cheng Guodong glanced at her sideways, turned his head away from her.

Little Taotie hastily changed direction, leaned in front of him, and shouted in a childish voice, "Brother~"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

This time he didn't turn his head away, but he still didn't look at her.

Little Taotie looked at his elder brother, then turned back to look at the little cat rolling on the ground, summoned up his courage, moved his small face over to the back of his elder brother's hand, and stuck it with his soft, chubby little face.

Cheng Guodong: "..."

This time he finally looked at Xiao Taotie, as if he wanted to see what she was going to do!
Little Taotie raised his head, looked at his elder brother with doubts, and softly said, "Meow~"

Cheng Guodong: "..." Break the defense!Who can stop this!
Cheng Guodong pursed his lips tightly, the lip line was straight, but his fingers moved slightly involuntarily, and then...the hands had their own consciousness!
The big hand gently rubbed the little Taotie's head, ruffling the little girl's soft hair.

Little Taotie blinked, blinked again, her big eyes were shining, she poked her little head, rubbed it against Cheng Guodong's palm, softly shouted: "Brother~"

Cheng Guodong sighed, his sister is too soft and cute, and she is super cute, who can stop her?

I can only choose...forgive her!
Originally, I wanted to be angry for a longer time with a straight face, to let the little girl know that she can't make her own decisions on everything, and she still needs to discuss it with the adults, but in the end, she broke her defense!

"Do you know what's wrong?" Cheng Guodong tried hard to keep a straight face, but his eyes were already gentle and doting, without any deterrent power.

Little Taotie nodded her head, "I know!"

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm..." Little Taotie's fingers were correct, "What's wrong..."

She racked her brains and couldn't figure it out.

Participating in the special department is to accumulate merit, and to make the little white beast wake up earlier, what's wrong?

She tilted her head, and looked at Cheng Guodong blankly and innocently with her big eyes.

 13 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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