Chapter 428 Is a Little Workaholic

The matter is a foregone conclusion, and the punishment has passed. The two elder brothers can only face the current situation.

Cheng Guodong sighed: "School will start soon, and you must study hard from one to five! You need to take metaphysics classes on Saturday, and I want you to rest on Sunday. There are good jobs in the entertainment industry, so you can try it." .”

Cheng Guodong gave Xiao Taotie a helpless look: "But now you have taken another job for yourself, canceling all jobs in the entertainment industry on Sunday, you go to the special department."

"No!" Little Taotie shook his head vigorously.

She needs many, many people to like herself, and she needs faith!

"Then you give up going to the special department, and there are only seven days a week. Do you want to conjure up an eighth day?"

"No!" Little Taotie still shook his head vigorously.

Going to special departments is to accumulate merit, and you can't give up!
"I want to go! I want to go to the entertainment circle, and I also want to go to the special department!"

Cheng Guodong was depressed: "Do you think you have three heads and six arms?"

A six-year-old child actually wants to develop in the direction of a model worker!
The other children are clamoring to go out to play every day, but she is good, clamoring to work!
Little Taotie wanted to dance him a Nezha dance on the spot, to prove that he could do it!
"I go to work in the special department in the morning on Sunday, and work in the entertainment industry in the afternoon!"

"I think you want to go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!" Cheng Guodong couldn't help complaining.

Little Taotie tilted his head, recalling that in his dream, the little white beast flew up to the sky, soaring freely in the sky, it was indeed shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

She nodded seriously: "I want to fly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Qin Xin: "..."

Cheng Guodong held his forehead, looked at Qin Xin for help, and his eyes transmitted voice: my sister is too bear!I'm defeated, you go!

Qin Xin coughed dryly and asked, "Why do you insist on working in the entertainment industry? Can you give me a reason?"

Little Glutton replied childishly, "I hope many people like me!"

Facing Little Taotie's big clear eyes and seeing the persistent light in her eyes, Qin Xin nodded: "Yes."

Qin Xin asked again: "I'm already so busy, why do I still have to work in a special department? Are you not tired?"

"Helping Wraiths can accumulate merit! You can also eat Wraith Candy, I love it!"

Qin Xin was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Cheng Guodong was anxious and gave him a hand, "You let go so easily?"

Qin Xin shrugged: "Her reasons are good."

Cheng Guodong muttered: "You are not as good as me!"

Qin Xin took a step back and said frankly: "You can do it, you can go, you can stop it."

Cheng Guodong counseled in seconds: "No, I can't, I won't go, I won't stop it!"

What are you kidding, it's a foregone conclusion, what's the point of stopping it?
"You go, you continue." Cheng Guodong retreated behind Qin Xin and handed over the home field to him.

Qin Xin shrugged and looked at Xiao Taotie, "There are only seven days in a week, and you can't delay studying, so you can't change the schedule from one to six."

Little Taotie nodded his head, and said like a grown-up: "I know, so I said go to the special department on Sunday morning, and go to the entertainment circle on Sunday afternoon."

"The combination of work and rest can get twice the result with half the effort. I don't agree with you that you don't have a little time for your own entertainment."

"Then what should we do?" Little Taotie became distressed.

"Don't you open the live broadcast room for a while every day?"

Little Taotie nodded.

"This is enough to maintain popularity. Isn't it necessary to shoot a short video every month? Don't take up other jobs for the time being. Just shoot a short video on the first Sunday afternoon of every month."

Little Taotie was a little embarrassed: "So... will everyone dislike me and forget me?"

"No, when you are reading and writing, let Gu Bei shoot or open a live broadcast room. As long as you keep appearing in front of everyone, everyone will not forget you. When you are on summer vacation, you will take on some jobs, such as filming TV dramas. , movies, variety shows, etc.”

Little Taotie checked his fingers and nodded: "...that's fine."

"Every Sunday, you go to the special department in the morning and come back in the afternoon, we will take you out to have fun, you must combine work and rest."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he whispered, "Can I start the live broadcast while playing?"

Qin Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and nodded her little nose: "You are a little workaholic!"

 16 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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