Chapter 434 Cheers to Chicken Drumsticks
Arriving at the hospital, after rescue, little Ah Piao suddenly disappeared, and the unconscious little girl slowly opened her eyes.

She didn't know Little Taotie.

It seems that he has completely forgotten about becoming Xiao Ah Piao.

When the little glutton was about to leave, the little girl said softly to her grandma: "Grandma, I had a dream. In the dream, there was an older sister who couldn't see the face and fed the little rabbit so many vegetables that it almost killed the little rabbit." !"

The little girl proudly raised her chest: "It was I who reminded her that the little rabbit was not strangled to death!"

Grandma smiled and praised: "Komori is awesome!"

Little Taotie left the ward and returned to the car, she closed her eyes, her little head spinning rapidly.

Little Ah Piao is Komori's soul, right?
People who die become ghosts.

What is alive is the soul out of the body?

Back in the program group, Xiao Lingzhi ran forward, "I heard from the director that you insist on going to the hospital? What are you going to do? Is there something wrong with your body?"

Little Taotie shook his head: "I'm just a little worried about that little sister."

"You're not a doctor, and you don't know her, why are you so active? It's past meal time, are you hungry?"

Little Taotie touched his stomach: "It seems to be hungry."

Xiao Lingzhi smiled and took out an oiled paper bag, "Eat it, I saved it for you."

Open the oil paper package, inside is a whole roast chicken.

Little Taotie blinked: "Didn't you eat?"

"They roasted several of them, you can eat them with confidence, I have eaten them."

Little Taotie looked around.

"Eat! What are you looking at?"

"No chopsticks."

"What kind of chopsticks do you want, just chew on it!"

"It's too inelegant." Little Taotie is now a pretty girl, with some burden of being an idol.

Little Lingzhi stretched out her hand and broke off a chicken leg boldly, "Here, take it and eat!"

Little Taotie: "..."

The little nose sniffed, and my stomach grunted.

All right, just eat like this!
Little Taotie didn't want to be too imposing, he didn't take the chicken leg given by Xiao Lingzhi, but broke off another chicken leg.

She tapped the chicken leg in Xiao Lingzhi's hand with the chicken leg in her hand, giggling: "Cheers!"

The two drumsticks were indeed like two cups, and Xiao Lingzhi also giggled.

Little Glutton: "Let's eat together!"

Little Ganoderma lucidum responded: "Okay!"

As the sun set, two little girls gnawed on chicken legs until their mouths were full of oil.

Director: "Shoot! Shoot hard! Shoot everything, hehehe!"

Photographer: "What's your bad idea?"

"Laugh at me being bald? I want to laugh at them being dirty!"

"Are you naive or not, and you care about children!"

"I will care about it!"

Little Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi finished sharing the whole roast chicken, and the two little girls lay flat on the lawn, looking up at the stars in the sky.

Little Ganoderma lucidum: "The air in the mountains is so good, there are even more stars than in the city."

Little Taotie counted the stars and was about to fall asleep in a daze: "There are no street lights in the mountains, so the stars can only go to work."

Little Lingzhi covered her mouth and laughed: "That's right, without the stars to illuminate, how dark would it be?"

Little Taotie yawned: "I want to sleep."

"Then go to sleep, I'll call you later."

"it is good."

Little Ganoderma lucidum was unreliable, staring at the stars in the night sky in a daze, her eyelids gradually became heavy, and she also fell asleep.

Photographer: "It's cold, take them back to sleep."

The director notified Xu Yingdi and Gu Yixing to come pick them up.

Gu Yixing picked up the little Taotie, looked back, and was taken aback for a moment, Xu Yingdi couldn't even hold the little ganoderma!
Gu Yixing frowned: "Is your anorexia so serious?"

Actor Xu smiled wryly.

Gu Yixing reached out and picked up Xiao Lingzhi, a fat baby in each hand.

Actor Xu raised his thumbs up, very envious.

The director yelled: "Close-up close-up! Hurry up and shoot! The top-notch boyfriend is full of power, and the next preview is available! This is the traffic code!"

 22 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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