Chapter 440 Pretending to be a Brother and Sister

Little Ganoderma looked sideways at Little Taotie, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing: "You look like a silly girl from a landlord's family!"

Little Taotie pulled the twisted braids, in fact, she quite liked this outfit, in the past in the village, the family's baby Pidao would only wear bright red and green jackets.

She tilted her head to look at the little Ganoderma lucidum who was making fun of herself, and said, "You look like a little beggar."

Little Lingzhi looked down at herself, with a sad face: " looks quite similar."

The director seems to be afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and urges the photographer to zoom in on the cute little face of the little Ganoderma lucidum.

"It's noisy!" The director smirked.

Photographer: "Your thoughts are too vicious! You actually like watching children arguing!"

"You don't understand, the tearing scene is the audience's favorite!"

"No one likes it. Let me remind you, we are a casual variety show!"

The director coughed dryly: "You still need to remind me? Quickly shoot! Face to face!"

In the camera, Little Ganoderma lucidum's dirty little face, with a painful expression, really looks like a little beggar.

Xiao Lingzhi grabbed the wig on her head, "Why do we dress up like this?"

Xiao Taotie recalled: "Auntie, the makeup artist, said that this is to integrate into the village."

"Our next stop is to stay in the village?" Xiao Lingzhi seemed to be full of chicken blood in an instant, "Can I go down to the ground and swing the sickle?"

The staff came over with the card, and when they heard her question, they shook their heads mercilessly: "No, it's too dangerous."

Xiao Lingzhi stomped her feet angrily, but she was thinking about it.

——Do you not allow it?I don't want to be obedient!

She watched a cartoon a few days ago. The Grim Reaper was wearing a black cloak and holding a scythe in his hand. He was so handsome!

The staff opened the card and read: "I asked you to dress up like this to hide your identities and go to the countryside to experience the real rural life. Xiao Taotie is a younger sister, and Xiao Lingzhi is an older brother. You are a pair of brothers and sisters."

The idea of ​​brother-sister stalks came to mind after the director saw Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi formed a CP on the Internet.

Xiao Lingzhi was originally like a tomboy, so she was asked to dress up as a man.

Little Lingzhi jumped up happily, stared at Little Taotie with bright eyes, and shouted excitedly: "Quick, call me big brother!"

Little Taotie: "..."

"Hurry up, call me big brother!"


Little Taotie turned his back, facing her indifferently.

Little Lingzhi yelled in the direction of the director: "Someone take care of her, she doesn't deserve to be with her! Little Taotie is disobedient!"

Little Taotie turned his body sideways, and secretly glanced at the choreographer with his small eyes.

The director picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Little Taotie, you are younger than Xiao Lingzhi..."

Little Taotie turned his back and turned his cold back towards the director's direction.

"No! Little Lingzhi gave up last time, she promised to call me sister from now on!"

"Is there such a thing?" The director was puzzled.

Little Ganoderma immediately cheated, shaking her head repeatedly in denial: "No! There is no such thing!"

"You're lying!" Xiao Taotie looked at Xiao Lingzhi angrily.

Xiao Lingzhi was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at her, her eyes drifted away.

The director scratched his hair, and the photographer beside him reminded: "There are not many hairs left, don't scratch it."

The director withdrew his hand and opened his palm to see, three hairs!

The wind blew past, blowing away the hair in his palm.

The director's heart is bleeding.

Photographer: "Little Lingzhi is obviously guilty and lying."

The director picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Then you will be twins, Xiao Taotie is the older sister, and Little Lingzhi is the younger brother."

"Obviously I'm old, don't I want to lose face?" Xiao Lingzhi became angry, and stomped her feet vigorously to express her dissatisfaction, "I don't want to shoot anymore! I'm going home!"

The director looked at Xiao Lingzhi who was having a temper tantrum, and it happened that Xiao Lingzhi's manager was present. The director looked at him and coughed dryly: "Persuade your child."

In the past, the agent had already nodded and bowed.

After all, his little Ganoderma lucidum is not popular, and he is still a flying guest, so he will be persuaded to leave at any time.

But now it's different!

Little Ganoderma lucidum is the little gluttonous playmate handpicked by Cheng Dong. In ancient times, it was the companion of the little princess!

(End of this chapter)

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