Chapter 444 Of course I have to bully you back

Little Taotie nodded when he saw that Little Ganoderma was eager to try.

In fact, Xiao Taotie is not so interested in fishing in the water. She used to fish in the water a lot in the village.

While little Ganoderma lucidum was fishing in the river, little Taotie sat on the big rock by the river bank and continued to meditate.

Seeing that she was quiet, a little boy felt that she was easy to bully, so he threw a pebble over her.

The small stone bounced off the little Taotie's feet, and the little Taotie looked up, and met a little boy with a wicked smile.

Little Taotie knows very well that if he is bullied, he must bully him back, otherwise he will be bullied forever!

Little Taotie found a stone ten times bigger than the little one, and threw it in the direction of the little boy.

Little Taotie has great strength and is accurate with his head and feet.

The stone hit the little boy's feet directly, and the barefooted little boy let out a terrifying cry!

The crying sound like killing a pig attracted many people.

The director thought that only Xiao Lingzhi could make others cry.

Unexpectedly, on the first day after arriving in the village, Xiao Taotie made others cry!
The director confirmed again and again: "Are you sure, it's Xiao Taotie? Isn't it Xiao Lingzhi?"

The photographer zoomed in and nodded, "It's Xiao Taotie, who made a little boy cry!"


Film Emperor Xu was at a loss when he learned that "my baby" had broken the big toe of a village child. He looked at Cheng Lu, who was also at a loss, and asked, "Did Lingzhi get into trouble?"

Cheng Lu received a text message from the director and shook her head: "It's Xiao Taotie."

Actor Xu couldn't believe it: "It's not a mistake, is it?"

"It's definitely true, you see."

Cheng Lu showed Actor Xu a video sent by the director.

In the picture, the little Taotie was sitting in a daze, but an unlucky child came to provoke her, but without saying a word, the little Taotie directly threw stones at people, taking revenge in a simple and rude way!

After Gu Yixing came over and watched the video, he sneered, "It deserves it! Little Taotie did a great job!"

Xu Yingdi rubbed his temples: "The parents must come to the door, we are only on the first day in the village, and I am afraid we will have a feud."

Gu Yixing snorted coldly: "What? Only their children are allowed to bully others, but my little Taotie is not allowed to bully others! It was this brat who caused trouble first, even if it wasn't this brat who caused trouble first today, as long as Little Taotie doesn't like him and smashes him, Then it will be smashed!"

"You..." Xu Yingdi was a little speechless, his head hurt even more, he pressed his temple, "You will pamper a demon king like this!"

Gu Yixing didn't take it seriously, and shrugged: "My son, who do I not pet?"

Soon, the boy's parents really came to the door!

The three aunts and six wives probably all came, all of them were the elderly detachment of women!
Xu Yingdi's scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to face the anger of the middle-aged women!
Cheng Lu shivered: "I feel that if they come over with a fist, I will definitely go to the hospital."

The leading woman is the child's mother, tall and big, with a thick waistline.

She was still holding a rolling pin in her hand, she didn't know that she rushed out in the middle of working in the kitchen, so she didn't put down the rolling pin, or she came out with the rolling pin to prepare for a dry fight!
"Come out! Your child broke my son's big toe, and you are going to pretend nothing happened! No apology, no money!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, I will smash your house!"

She opened her throat and called for the door, and the rolling pin in her hand slammed on the door hard.

(End of this chapter)

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