Chapter 462
Little Taotie finally gave up and stopped talking.

Xiao Lingzhi was careless, thinking she had a sore throat, got out of bed and poured her a glass of water.

Little Taotie drank the water, feeling extremely puzzled.

In fact, she and Hua Jinyan mentioned dreams, and she also said that she can see the flowers on people's heads to tell how much they like her, and they were able to say it smoothly at that time.

But why if I tell Little Lingzhi, I will become a little dumb and can't speak?

Doorbell rang.

Little Lingzhi went to open the door with bare feet, and when the door opened, there were two old men standing at the door.

When Xiao Lingzhi saw one of them, she rushed over and hugged her leg, coquettishly: "Grandpa, why are you here? Do you miss me?"

Seeing her granddaughter's bare feet, the old man picked her up and sighed, "You're running around without socks!"

Little Taotie poked his head to look out the door, and saw Tao Mo leaning on a cane.

Tao Mo walked in, carrying a bag in his hand, and smiled lovingly, "Are you hungry?"

Little Taotie's little stomach responded very cooperatively: "Googoo!"

Little Taotie patted his stomach, his little face blushed, he was a little embarrassed, and whispered: "My stomach says... I'm hungry."

Tao Mo was amused by the little girl's shy and cute appearance, "Then go wash your face and brush your teeth, come over for breakfast, there are sandwiches, pan-fried buns, egg pancakes, chicken pancakes..."

Little Taotie got hungry the more he listened, and immediately ran out of bed, put on his slippers and ran to the toilet.

Gu Bei had already prepared in the bathroom of the hotel room the towel with the bear pattern that Xiao Taotie usually uses, the little rabbit cup for brushing teeth, and the small pink toothbrush...

When Xiao Taotie wiped his face and came out, he saw that the little Ganoderma lucidum had already started to eat.

"You..." Little Taotie's eyes widened, "I ate it without brushing my teeth and washing my face!"

"Oh, it's okay!" Xiao Lingzhi waved her small hand, eating a sandwich in her mouth, and said vaguely: "I have observed those big directors, filming all night, sleeping for a while, eating when they wake up, and I don't see them brushing their teeth. Wash your face! I learned from them!"

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Ganoderma lucidum's grandfather sighed, with a helpless expression on his face.

Little Ganoderma swallowed the sandwich in her mouth, and grinned: "It's the same to brush your teeth and wash your face after eating! In fact, it's cleaner, there are no food residues in your mouth! Now you brush your teeth and eat cleanly. After eating, your mouth It's still dirty inside! It's not as clean as me!"

Tao Mo listened to this nonsense, and looked at his good grandson, afraid that his good grandson would really listen to it.

Little Taotie wrinkled his face and muttered, "After eating...the mouth seems to be really dirty."

"Right? I'll just say it! You have to brush your teeth after eating!" Xiao Lingzhi said triumphantly.

Little Taotie got confused, and pointed his fingers correctly: "After eating, I also want to brush my teeth."

"Hey, it's time to brush your teeth after eating!" Xiao Lingzhi was even more proud, thinking that she was really amazing, and convinced the little Taotie who loves cleanliness!

Just when she was triumphant, Little Taotie looked up at her, stared at her with those clean and clear eyes, and said seriously: "Brush your teeth after eating, and brush your teeth when you sleep, you should brush your teeth. of!"

Little Lingzhi: "..."

Little Taotie counted with his fingers: "Brush your teeth once when you get up, once after breakfast, once after lunch, once after afternoon snack, once after dinner, once before going to bed... "

Little Lingzhi has nothing to love: "My teeth are going to rot!"

(End of this chapter)

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