Chapter 465
Gu Yixing walked around the field, no one was watching him, everyone was working, no one had the time to watch him.

Gu Yixing frowned: "No one seems to know me."

The director laughed triumphantly: "All the young people here have gone out to work, and the ones left behind are old people and children. No one knows you!"

Gu Yixing said coldly: "You are cruel!"

"What should we do now? It's definitely not feasible to exchange signatures for food." Cheng Lu said distressedly.

Xu Yingdi raised his head, looked around, his eyes stayed on a mountain, and asked: "Is this mountain owned by someone?"

"I'll ask." Cheng Lu trotted to an old farmer who was watering and asked.

The old farmer told her that the mountain was contracted by someone in the past, because they couldn't make money, so they stopped contracting it later, and now it belongs to the village.

"Can we go up the mountain to look for mushrooms?" Gu Yixing asked, "Can we take them away?"

The old farmer waved his hand: "As long as you have the ability to find it, no one cares, just take it away."

"Thank you." Gu Yixing thanked him sincerely.

In fact, they also thought about asking the old farmers for food, but they knew that there was no real thing to exchange. If others gave them sympathy, they should not give them.

If they really gave it, they would be taking advantage of others, which can be avoided, and they don't want to.

"Let's go up the mountain and take a look. You are taking care of the two children at the foot of the mountain." Gu Yixing said to Cheng Lu.

Cheng Lu nodded, but Xiao Lingzhi disagreed: "No, I want to go up the mountain too! I want to sing about the little girl picking mushrooms picking mushrooms!"

Gu Yixing: "..."

Emperor Xu shook his head: "We don't know if there is any danger on the mountain. You stay at the bottom of the mountain."

"Don't! I'm going up the mountain!" Little Lingzhi is stubborn, sitting on the ground and rolling around, playing around, "I'm going up the mountain, if you don't let me go up the mountain, I will cry, make trouble, and make noise~~~"

Film Emperor Xu had a headache from her noise, but he still refused to let go.

Gu Yixing turned around and left, ignoring her.

Film Emperor Xu hurriedly followed, turned his head and shouted to Little Lingzhi who was sitting on the ground: "Cry, make trouble, make noise."

Little Lingzhi let out a "wow" and burst into tears.

Cheng Lu was worried, and knelt down to persuade her, but she saw that Xiao Lingzhi's face was clean, it was only thunder but not rain!
Cheng Lu: "..."

Xiao Lingzhi stared at her for a while, then twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment: "I didn't drink water, and I didn't cry."

Cheng Lu opened the kettle "intimately" and handed it over: "Drink."

Little Lingzhi: "..."

Cheng Lu smiled and said, "Cry after drinking the water."

Little Lingzhi: "..."

Little Taotie looked at Little Lingzhi who was suspicious of life, and then at Mother Cheng who had a smirk on her face. She sighed like an adult, and asked in a childlike voice, "We won't go up the mountain, can we do something else?"

Cheng Lu asked suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

"Can you do what you want to do?"

Before Cheng Lu answered, the director's loud voice rang out: "Do it! Do whatever you want!"

He just wants the kids to do something!

Of course, you can't do big things, you can't see blood, just like going to a village, things like breaking your toes can't happen!

The little Taotie was encouraged, and ran towards the old farmer with his short legs.

Xiao Lingzhi got up from the ground, and Pidianpidian chased after her, not even having time to pat her buttocks.Seen from the back, the white trousers and the buttocks are full of dirt.

"Wait for me! Little Taotie, wait for me!"

Little Taotie slowed down, and the two children walked towards the old farmer holding hands.

The old farmer laughed when he saw two clean children carved in powder and jade: "Which family do you belong to?"

(End of this chapter)

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