Chapter 467
Gu Yixing and Xu Yingdi returned empty-handed.

Gu Yixing sighed: "It's no wonder that the contractors have all run away, and there is nothing in the mountains."

Xu Yingdi took a sip of water and shook his head: "I don't know what to do next."

Cheng Lu covered her mouth and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Actor Xu was puzzled.

Cheng Lu pointed to the green land, "Look."

Gu Yixing and Xu Yingdi looked at a piece of green, and there were two small figures abruptly in the green.

"This is?" Emperor Xu was surprised.

Cheng Lu smiled and said, "Little Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi are much more capable than you."

She pointed to the other side, a basket full of vegetables, "This is what they got for their hard work!"

"So capable? Why didn't I expect that labor can be exchanged for food!" Xu Yingdi was extremely annoyed.

Cheng Lu squinted at him, "Can you compare to Xiao Taotie? Can you clearly distinguish which are seedlings and which are weeds? Or, can you carry a large basket full of vegetables without any effort?" Running back and forth?"

Actor Xu: "...I can't."

Cheng Lu spread her hands: "Men are useless."

Xu Yingdi was speechless and touched his nose.

Gu Yixing rolled up his sleeves, intending to go to the field to help, the old farmer smiled and said, "Don't be too busy, let the children play, I arrange things casually."

The old farmer shouted to the field: "Little boy, come back quickly, it's okay, don't do it!"

Little Ganoderma lucidum and Little Taotie chased me out of the field and came to the old farmer.

Little Lingzhi's eyes sparkled: "Am I doing well?"

The old farmer did not hesitate to praise: "Good! You are very diligent!"

Little Taotie blushed and asked, "What about me?"

The old farmer raised his thumb: "You are the best!"

Little Ganoderma admired the little Taotie very much, and she didn't disapprove, and nodded along: "Little Taotie is the best!"

Little Taotie lowered his head in embarrassment, giggling.

The old farmer distributed the two handfuls of candy in his pocket to the two children, a little embarrassed: "This is corn candy, I don't know if you like it, maybe the children in the city don't like the candy in our country..."

"I like it!" Xiao Taotie popped one into his mouth on the spot, "It smells so good! It's delicious~"

Little Ganoderma lucidum also removed one and put it in her mouth. She was a little uncomfortable, her mouth was filled with a scent of essence, but she grinned: "Delicious! We are not picky eaters!"

The old farmer breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: "It's as long as you like it, it's getting late, I should go back."

"Goodbye, grandpa!" Little Taotie waved his little hand.

Little Lingzhi followed suit and waved.

Little Lingzhi and Little Taotie surrounded the big bamboo basket, and Xiao Lingzhi proudly showed off to Gu Yixing and Xu Yingdi: "This is what we paid for with our labor! Hehe! Are we powerful?"

Actor Xu smiled and nodded: "Amazing!"

Gu Yixing patted the little Taotie's head: "Little Taotie has made great efforts, at most you will follow suit."

Little Lingzhi snorted: "You are also in the light, and you are also in the light of me!"

Film Emperor Xu comforted and patted Xiao Lingzhi's head: "Yes, thanks to you, we don't have to go hungry anymore!"

"These are not for you to eat!" Xiao Lingzhi hugged the bamboo basket, "This is going to be sold in the town! We have already asked the grandfather, every Tuesday, the town goes to the market, and we bring our own things to the town. Exchange what you need, or money.”

"Isn't today Tuesday?" Emperor Xu frowned.

Xiao Lingzhi nodded: "So if you want to set up a stall to sell things, it can only be today. If you miss today, there will be no customers!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now!" Gu Yixing picked up the big bamboo basket and took the lead, with a group of people following behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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