Chapter 478 Cartoon Cat Handkerchief
Facing two pairs of eyes, one large and one small, Xu Yingdi took a deep breath, picked up the bowl and began to eat.

Strangely, this time I didn't feel like throwing up anymore.

It even... feels a little delicious.

Really fragrant!

When I regained my senses, the bowl was empty and there was not a single grain of rice left.

Xu Yingdi was stunned for three seconds, his eyes were in a trance, and he looked up at Cheng Lu.

Cheng Lu didn't think that he would really eat. If threats were useful, they would have worked long ago.

Who would have thought that he not only ate it, but ate it all up!

Actor Xu was as shocked to see her as he was, but he reacted earlier than her, showed Cheng Lu the clean bowl, and raised his eyebrows: "I ate it all."

"I see, go wash the dishes by yourself." Cheng Lu snorted, turned and entered the room.

Xu Yingdi not only cleaned his own bowl, but also cleaned all the dishes and chopsticks.

It seemed that because of the food in his stomach, he was more energetic than usual.

The children gathered together, and the adults didn't keep staring at them when they saw that they were well-behaved.

Taking advantage of the adults not paying attention, Xiao Lingzhi took out the flowers hidden secretly and handed them to Xiao Taotie, and Little Jasmine also took out a bunch of flowers hidden under the bed.

Little Taotie earnestly taught Little Jasmine how to weave a bracelet, and Little Lingzhi wanted to follow suit, but she ran out of patience and gave up after not having much time.

Xiao Long Bao lay obediently on her stomach, watching her elder sister and Xiao Tao Tie elder sister weaving, neither noisy nor fussy, those big eyes flickering, like a quiet doll.

Suddenly, a naughty little hand pinched Xiao Long Bao's face!

The fleshy little face was pinched and deformed.

Xiao Long Bao looked over blankly, his big eyes were full of grievances, but he didn't cry, he just looked at the culprit curiously and suspiciously.

Little Ganoderma lucidum giggled: "Adults always like to pinch my face, I just want to try it out, hehehe, it really feels so comfortable!"

Xiaolongbao was silent, and the big eyes were gradually covered with mist, turning into tears, which filled the eye sockets.

Little Lingzhi hurriedly let go and covered his mouth instead, "Don't cry! If you cry, the adults will come over and find your sister and little Taotie making bracelets, and the surprise will be gone! At that time, you are just a rat droppings that ruined a pot of porridge!"

She lowered her voice, threateningly: "Hmph, you don't want to become a stinky rat shit, do you?"

Xiaolongbao: "..."

He didn't dare to cry, but the tears trickled down the corners of his eyes, it was so pitiful.

Little Lingzhi felt a little guilty, let go of his hand covering his mouth, and fumbled in his pocket for a long time before realizing that all the snacks and candies had been confiscated by the program crew.

Xiao Lingzhi was embarrassed: "Don't cry, after the filming of the show, I will take you to the teahouse opened by my grandfather, there are many beautiful pastries and candies in it."

Xiao Long Bao sniffed, and the little milk voice was full of grievances: "You won't lie to me, will you?"

Little Lingzhi stretched out her little finger to hook him, "I'm older than you, so I don't bother to lie to my little brother!"

Xiao Lingzhi was relieved to see him laughing through tears, and wanted to wipe his tears with a handkerchief. She looked at his snot and then at her favorite cartoon cat handkerchief. Covering his nose, he said angrily, "Wipe your nose, you shouldn't be called Xiaolongbao, you should be called Big Crying Bao!"

Xiaolongbao grinned, wiped his face clean, and leaned over to show her: "Look, it's clean!"

He wanted to return the handkerchief to Little Lingzhi. Little Lingzhi looked at the dirty handkerchief and waved his hand: "I'll send you off! It's so dirty, I'm crying!"

Xiao Long Bao put the handkerchief in his pocket and grinned silly at her.

Little Ganoderma covered her eyes, sighed, and muttered: "Children, it's too difficult to take care of."

(End of this chapter)

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