Chapter 486 Please help me eat
The classroom couldn't be used, so Gu Yixing asked everyone to line up in the open space outside.

Gu Yixing picked up a dead branch, waved it in the air, and rotated 380 degrees, not fast, but slowly, his eyes rested on the tip of the branch in his hand, and suddenly, using the force of the rotation, he stretched out the branch in his hand, making a thorn Actions.

With a "swipe", you can hear the force of the thrust from the sound.

His left foot is stretched out, showing a split horse, and the branch in his hand is stabbing upwards, full of the momentum of piercing the sky.

The feet were withdrawn abruptly, picking up the dust on the ground, and it became a little hazy.

In fact, there are still movements such as lowering the waist and somersaults, but Gu Yixing simplified them all for fear that the children would be injured after imitating them.

Gu Yixing is now a top performer, so he rarely performs these things.

Today, his fans only see his glamorous appearance.

But he didn't know how hard it was for him to practice this kung fu when he was a child.

He was not born as a child star, but he came out to learn art earlier.

He started practicing kung fu at the age of three, dangling his voice, and learning Peking Opera Wusheng.

In the theatrical troupe, getting up early and staying late, falling and eating shit, or breaking a bone are all common occurrences.

Later, a talent scout discovered him, and he entered the entertainment industry. Who would have known that the martial arts student with heavy makeup on the stage back then was actually the Gu Dingliu they are now following.

No one has dug up this section, and it was well erased by the company.

Where have the children in the village seen this battle? If it weren't for the fact that sports are also counted as scores, they might not even have physical education classes.

Now seeing this dance-like and powerful swordsmanship makes the children yearn for it.

Gu Yixing asked them to pick up the branches by themselves and spread them out so as not to hurt anyone.

Gu Yixing made one movement, and the children followed suit.

Time passed too quickly, and the bell rang, and the children were still a little bit unsatisfied.

Gu Yixing told them not to practice, they were very obedient and followed Gu Yixing back to the classroom.

It's time for lunch.

Each child was given an egg, a meat bun, a big steamed bun, and a bowl of tofu shepherd's purse soup.

Do as the Romans do, Gu Yixing and the others also received the same food.

Little Ganoderma lucidum had a tricky mouth, took a bite of the meat bun, and felt the fishy smell, making her feel bad.

Xiaolongbao drank tofu and shepherd's purse soup, ate an egg, and couldn't eat it anymore, and there was an extra meat bun and big steamed bun.

Seeing that the little Taotie was eating deliciously, he hurriedly moved over, holding the buns in both hands, and handed them to the little Taotie as if offering a treasure, "Sister Xiao Taotie, eat!"

Little Taotie blushed and shook his head: "You eat, how can I steal your food."

Xiaolongbao rubbed her belly, her big eyes fluttered and said, "Full!"

Seeing his bulging stomach, Little Taotie believed his words, but was still a little embarrassed, and blushed: "Then tell me if you're hungry, I'll find you something to eat!"

Xiaolongbao nodded vigorously, and sent the buns to Xiao Taotie's mouth with all his might.

Little Taotie took it and took a bite.

Seeing her eating, Xiaolongbao giggled, not to mention how happy she was.

Little Taotie felt that he was being fed by the cub, and his little face became even redder.

Little Ganoderma ate an egg, smelled the soup, and didn't want to eat it, so she pushed the uneaten steamed bun and soup in front of Xiao Taotie, "I really don't want to eat it, but it's shameful to waste it, can you help me?" ? Please, little gluttonous!"

Little Taotie's eyes widened, he didn't expect that someone would beg him to eat.

Little Taotie looked at the meat bun that was left in front of Xiao Lingzhi and took a bite, and asked doubtfully, "Then what about this bun, do you want to eat it?"

"I've already taken a bite, how can I give it to you?" Little Ganoderma lucidum sighed, with a bitter face: "When you're too hungry, close your eyes and swallow it!"

"Are you so wronged?" Little Taotie hesitated, and said, "Then I'll help you eat too?"

(End of this chapter)

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