Chapter 496 The students are so enthusiastic
When this episode was broadcast on TV, Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan had already packed their schoolbags and started their first day of school.

Little Taotie's eyes were full of curiosity, he looked east and west, and whispered in Hua Jinyan's ear from time to time: "The playground here is so big! There is also a basketball hoop!"

"Hua Jinyan, look quickly, there is a beach there!"

"Is it possible to play with sand here?"

Little Taotie ran towards the sandpit with her small schoolbag on her back. Just before she jumped off the sandpit, Hua Jinyan grabbed her schoolbag, and the little man was dragged back just as he jumped up.

Little Taotie blinked his big innocent eyes, and looked at him blankly, "I want to play in the sand, why did you stop me?"

"It's time for class. Do you want to be late on the first day of school?"

"Almost forgot!"

Little Taotie grinned and smiled foolishly, Xiaoli dimpled lightly, "We will be classmates in the future, Hua, please give me your advice!"

Seeing her staring at him with wide eyes, Hua Jinyan had no choice but to reply, "Student Tao, please give me your advice."

Satisfied, Little Taotie bent his eyes, patted his small chest, and said seriously, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you!"

Hua Jinyan supported her forehead, grabbed her bag and walked forward, "Hurry up, I'm really going to be late!"

"Jingling!" The preparatory bell rang.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan are still in the corridor, and have not yet arrived at the classroom.

Xiao Taotie was really in a hurry now, grabbed Hua Jinyan's hand and started sprinting for [-] meters, rushed to the door of the classroom, and almost bumped into the head teacher standing at the door of the classroom.

The homeroom teacher was taken aback, and hurriedly supported Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan who were in a hurry, and sighed: "What's the hurry?"

"We're going to be late!" Little Taotie raised his head, with tears in his big eyes: "It's over, it's over, I'm going to be late for the first day of school, the teacher will definitely scold me!"

The head teacher is a round-faced female teacher with a baby face. She looks young, like a freshly graduated college student, but she is actually a female teacher in her 30s with ten years of teaching experience.

She lowered her head, met the little Taotie's big eyes, and froze for a moment.

The heart is like being hit hard by soft cotton candy, soft and sweet.

It's so cute!

She had been notified a long time ago that there would be a special student in the class.

She is a small star, of course, she still needs to be treated equally and cannot be treated differently. The notification from above is just to let her deal with some emergencies.

For example, at this moment, some children stood up excitedly, pointed at the little Taotie and shouted: "Zai Zai! Zai Zai! My mother is your mother's fan! You are my long-lost sister!"

"No! Little Taotie is my younger sister, and my mother is her mother!"

"My mother is her mother!"

There was some confusion in the classroom.

Teacher Yuan hurriedly stood up on the podium, "Everyone be quiet! If you make a lot of noise, the teaching director will transfer your little Taotie to another class."

Although the children present were only six or seven-year-old children, they all looked like human beings. After all, it was not an easy matter to get admitted to this elementary school, which was notoriously difficult in the local area.

In addition to morality, intelligence, body, art and labor, every child has a skill, and they are not clever.


"Do not talk!"

"Yes, yes, we can't argue!"

"Little Taotie is our classmate, we cannot be snatched away by other classes!"

"My mother got the gossip a long time ago, knowing that Xiao Taotie and I are in the same class, and she wants me to ask her for an autograph! I can't be separated from her!"

Little Taotie looked around and saw that the heads of every student were covered with small flowers, fluttering in the wind, to welcome him and express his love for him.

Little Taotie's face was slightly red, and he lowered his voice and said to Hua Jinyan, "They all seem to like me."

(End of this chapter)

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