Chapter 501

Xiangxiang frowned, pinched her nose, and shook her head: "No, it's not the smell of a demon, but the smell of animal sweat."

"Beast?" Mo Haihao shook his head, "I checked the surveillance here, but I didn't see any large animals."

"Please don't doubt my professional ability." Xiangxiang closed her eyes, took a deep breath while holding back her nausea, and parted her red lips lightly: "It's a wolf, and there is a strong smell of blood, human blood, wolf sweat Mixed with the smell of saliva..."

Xiangxiang opened her eyes, her face turned three points pale, and she covered her nose with a printed scented tissue, with a disgusted expression on her face: "This smell is too disgusting."

Mo Haihao remembered that he had seen a few big dogs in the surveillance, which seemed to be raised by the owner of the haunted house. He brought them to the haunted house because there was a werewolf theme in the haunted house, and the big dogs would pretend to be wolves.

Could it be... there are real wolves in it?

Mo Haihao took off his sunglasses and looked around, but he didn't see anything like A Piao. It can be concluded that this is not a supernatural event, it is very likely to be a man-made event, but it has been made into a supernatural event to confuse the public.

"Since it's not a supernatural event, it's none of our business, withdraw."

After all, with two children, he didn't want to confront them head-on, what if the wolf rushed out and frightened the children.

Xiangxiang glanced at Mo Haihao in surprise. She has come here before, so she will continue to investigate, even if it is not a supernatural event.

Xiangxiang looked down at the little Taotie she was holding in her hand, and she could roughly guess what the captain was thinking. It seemed that the two children had concerns.

Just when they were about to leave, Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked in the same direction at the same time.

Little Taotie tilted his head: "He is wearing our school uniform."

Hua Jin said in a deep voice, "It's Ah Piao."

"Is it A Piao?" Little Taotie rubbed his eyes, looked at the man's feet, and sighed: "It's really A Piao."

Mo Haihao hurriedly took off his sunglasses, but Ah Piao had already run away, and he didn't see anything.

"What did you see Ah Piao look like?" Mo Haihao asked.

Little Taotie said in a childish voice, "Wearing our school uniform and a red scarf, he should be above the third grade."

Hua Jinyan added: "An arm is missing, it should have been bitten off by a beast, maybe the wolf you mentioned."

Little Taotie's little milk voice was somewhat uncertain: "He ran too fast, but it seems to be—an evil spirit!"

The word "evil spirit" caught his ears, and Mo Haihao, who originally planned to leave, couldn't leave.

Originally there were no supernatural events here, but there might be supernatural events in the future.

"Are you afraid of haunted houses?" Mo Haihao asked.

Xiangxiang raised her red lips and laughed: "The two little dolls are not even afraid of seeing the real Ah Piao. Do you think the man-made crap inside can scare them?"

Mo Haihao also felt that he asked a stupid question.

Little Taotie straightened his back: "I'm not afraid!"

Hua Jinyan glanced at Mo Haihao, his eyes were full of disdain.

Mo Haihao seemed to be annoyed by the disdain in Hua Jinyan's eyes, and he asked viciously, "Are you afraid of real wolves?"

Before Hua Jinyan could speak, Little Taotie patted his little chest with a confident expression on his face: "I've been to a wild animal park, and I'm not afraid of big tigers, but I'm not afraid of little wolves!"

"Really not afraid?" Mo Haihao was a little worried.What if the six-year-old cub is so frightened that he has nightmares at night and leaves a shadow?
Little Taotie raised his chest and looked up, imitating Little Lingzhi's usual confident and arrogant look: "Not afraid! Not afraid at all! I want them to be afraid of me!"

"Ahh!" Little Taotie made a ferocious gesture of a tiger pounce on milk.

(End of this chapter)

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