Chapter 519 His Memories
"I have some concerns. I'm actually not afraid. I'm just afraid of being dirty! I saw that the slideway is too dirty..."

Facing Shanghua Jinyan's increasingly impatient eyes, the red scarf evil spirit hurriedly said: "I'm talking about the point! I understand! I'll say it right away!"

"Those students didn't come up for a long time after they went down, and we became more and more afraid."

"I'm different from them. Three generations of my family have practiced Feng Shui. I felt something was wrong at the time."

"After all, that place is full of containers, and there are tunnels underground, which is a bit weird. At that time, I only thought that there was some kind of cemetery below, and I didn't think about anything else."

"Until the howling of wolves came from below, my other classmates and I were scared. We didn't dare to go down and wanted to run back, but the stone wall couldn't be pushed away at all! We were trapped in the cave!"

"Our only place to go is the tunnel."

"The wolves howling below and the screams of the students came up, let us know that the place below is definitely not a good place."

"We called for help, but the phone couldn't get through at all!"

"I think of a breastplate that my grandpa gave me. My grandpa always said that this mirror can see things that cannot be seen."

"But I didn't believe there was a Piao in this world at all, until I saw a classmate in the mirror!"

"I turned my head, my classmate wasn't behind me at all, he was clearly one of the group who went down the tunnel before, how could he appear here, but when I turned around and looked in the mirror, he was clearly behind me!"

"I guess he's dead and turned into A Piao!"

"Time passed by little by little, and we were getting colder and hungrier inside, and we don't know how long it has passed."

"Someone suggested to go down, I don't agree with it, but they think they can only find a way out if they go down and see what happens!"

"I found that there was only one classmate, A Piao, which meant that only one of the group of people who went down died. I was thinking that the others must not have died. Maybe they found the exit. The wolf howling below may be a werewolf The horror scenes of the subject matter are audio or video, and the students only scream when they are frightened!"

"Seeing that everyone chose to go down, I didn't insist anymore, and I followed them down."

"But after going down..." Even though he had turned into A Piao, he was still terrified when he recalled the scene at that moment.

"We fell into the sand pool. The dust in the sand pool seemed to be drugged. We fell into a coma not long after."

"When we woke up, we were in a wooden house, and the wooden house was full of...minced meat."

"We didn't know what the minced meat was until there was a dog, no, a wolf!"

"A wolf disguised as a dog!"

"They rushed to bite us when they saw us. We had no power to resist. I couldn't understand the moment I died. Why everyone died, but only one Ah Piao came back up."

"Later, when I became A Piao, I figured it out."

"We became A Piao, but we were trapped in the glass bottle, and the glass bottle was pasted with a talisman, so we couldn't get out."

"I saw with my own eyes that old man feeding the bottles to those wolves. He was feeding the wolves with ghosts! I was terrified. This means that the body is eaten by wolves, and the soul cannot escape the mouth of wolves! There is no chance of reincarnation! I My family is all practicing Feng Shui, and I firmly believe that people have reincarnation!"

"I tried my best to escape from the glass bottle. Although we were in the glass bottle, we could still communicate. My classmates all knew that my family practiced Feng Shui, so they all asked me if there was any way."

"I..." The red scarf evil spirit said with a bitter face, "I can't think of it."

"Someone suddenly suggested that being eaten by a wolf is better than being swallowed by one of his classmates. He didn't know which ghost story he read that the soul swallows the soul and becomes stronger!"

(End of this chapter)

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