Chapter 534 Bad guy, let it out!
The sound of Buddha is ethereal, and the sound of Sanskrit surrounds the ears, and the sound of chanting is accompanied by music in the form of singing. It is carefully listened to, as if it can cleanse the soul, and the breathing of the whole person slows down along with the music.

The fast-paced life makes one's heart impetuous, but it is relieved and calmed by this mantra...

Xiangxiang lowered her voice and asked, "This is?"

Mo Haihao replied softly: "The Great Compassion Curse."

The captain of the seventh team obviously had a deep research on this, and said: "The Great Compassion Mantra comes from the "Thousand-Handed Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Great Compassionate Heart Dharani Sutra" (84 sentences)."

Xiangxiang: "..."

She gave the captain of the seventh team a strange look: "You are a beast master, right? When did you become a member of the sixth team?"

Mo Haihao chuckled lightly.

Xiangxiang looked at him suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

Mo Haihao: "Lao Qi has been chasing Lao Liu's younger sister recently. The purpose of studying these is to get close to Lao Liu, and to establish a good relationship with Lao Liu first..."

Xiangxiang raised her thumbs up to the captain of the seventh team: "Work hard."

Shen Cang looked down at the great white wolf from above.

The great white wolf felt the danger and wanted to escape, but it was too late, and Destiny was grabbed by the back of the neck.

Shen Cang doesn't look strong, but he can grab a wolf with one hand.

He put the wolf in an iron cage, and said in a solemn voice, "Read along with the recording every day, until one day, you can read these 84 sentences verbatim without the recording, and then you can leave the cage."

Little Taotie wanted to save the big white wolf, but found that he couldn't move. The whole little cub was at a loss, his eyes full of doubts.

Captain of Team Seven: "The head actually used the power of the domain."

Mo Haihao: "It seems that I don't use the power of the domain, and I'm not sure..."

He didn't continue, but the captain of the seventh team and Xiangxiang looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning.

Mo Haihao meant that if he didn't use the power of the domain, he wouldn't be able to control Xiao Taotie for sure.

Thinking of the little Taotie's heroic appearance of punching an evil spirit, Mo Haihao raised the corner of his mouth: "From now on, it will be lively."

After locking the iron cage and putting away the key, Shen Cang glanced lightly at Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan. Suddenly, Shen Cang let go of a hair, and the power of the domain disappeared.

Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie can move again.

Little Taotie grabbed the iron railing, trying to use his own strength to open the railing and let the "dog" out.

But she exerted a lot of strength, and her wrist hurt a little, but the iron railing did not move at all.

"Don't waste your time, every railing is engraved with curses."

It was Shen Cang's voice, Little Taotie turned his head, and his grandma glared at him fiercely: "Grandpa, you are a villain!"

Shen Cang had a straight face.

Mo Haihao hurriedly stepped forward and covered the little Taotie's mouth, "Head, don't be angry, children are not sensible."

Shen Cang waved his hand: "I'm not stingy enough to be angry with a six-year-old child."

As soon as Mo Haihao let go of his hand, Little Taotie yelled: "Big villain! You are a big villain! Give me back my dog! Let it out!"

Shen Cang asked with a sullen face, "Do you know that the pure spirit body swallowed by it will have no chance of reincarnation?"

"Let it go—" Little Taotie's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at him blankly.

Seeing that the little girl calmed down, Shen Cang slowly explained: "Recite the Great Compassion Mantra and cleanse the soul, only then can those pure spirits that do not belong to him and have not been refined be separated."

"As long as it separates a light spot, I have a way to make them reincarnate."

Hearing this, Little Taotie put his little hand on the horse-faced bell hanging on his waist, and asked, "As long as they are separated, can you let the dogs out?"

(End of this chapter)

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