Chapter 550 Eat a Strawberry Feast
During the lunch break, Little Taotie came to the teaching office with heavy steps.

She was ready to be scolded.

The teaching director kept a straight face at first, and after the little Taotie came in, he closed the door, and suddenly his expression changed drastically, with a pleasant expression and a smile all over his face: "Come on, open the cover and have a look."

Little Taotie's eyes were full of doubts, he came to the table and reached out to pick up the floral cloth cover covering the table.

A delicious strawberry feast!

Strawberry yogurt, strawberry cake, pink glutinous rice dumpling, strawberry with cream, freeze-dried strawberry, a plate of fresh strawberries!
"Wow!" Little Taotie exclaimed, his eyes sparkled, and the reflection of the bright pupils reflected the appearance of strawberries.

Seeing the little girl's eyes full of strawberries and joy, the dean raised the corner of Yang's mouth proudly.

What troubles can't be solved by delicious food?

"Quick, try strawberry yogurt, I made it myself."

Little Taotie blushed shyly, nodded obediently, took a mouthful with a small spoon and put it in his mouth.

Sour yogurt, sweet strawberries, blend together, sweet and sour, fragrant and delicious!
Take a small sip, and it will soon see the bottom.

The dean pushed the cake in front of her, "Try this again, I made it myself!"

The six-inch cake is decorated with a lot of sliced ​​strawberries. When you spoon it down, the plain cake bursts with cheese and strawberry jam!

The teaching director inserted a straw into the cake, and it was the first time for Xiao Taotie to drink cake. He was very happy, his big eyes sparkled, and the fundus of his eyes seemed to be filled with little stars swimming around.

When the preparatory bell for class rang, Little Taotie returned to the classroom contentedly, with an unconcealable happiness on his little face.

"Have you eaten something delicious?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Little Taotie's eyes widened.

The dean told her not to tell others!
How did Hua Jinyan know?
Little Taotie became tangled up, his two little hands had nowhere to rest.

"I would have guessed it if you didn't tell me. She asked you to go to the office alone and prepared a table of delicious food for you. Before you came back, I told you not to tell others."

"Ah!" Little Taotie looked at him in surprise.

All right!

"how do you know?"

Hua Jinyan shrugged: "Guess."


Hua Jinyan suddenly approached her lips and laughed: "There is another reason, you have cream on your mouth!"

Little Taotie hurriedly wiped his mouth, and sure enough, a little cream was rubbed on his hand.

"Wipe your mouth clean even if you steal food." Hua Jinyan smiled and handed her a tissue.

"Shh!" Little Taotie made a gesture of silence: "Don't tell others!"

Before school ended in the afternoon, Director Hua rushed to the teaching office. No surprise, he was educated by the teaching director.

Director Hua took back the electronic products and stood at the school gate waiting for the children to leave school.

Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie walked out of the school holding hands. Hua Jinyan saw his bearded father from a distance, and walked past him very shamelessly.

Director Hua: "..." This kid doesn't even know his own father?

Little Taotie whispered, "That person is staring at you eagerly."

"Don't pay attention to him." Hua Jinyan walked forward.

Little Taotie whispered, "Are you a bad guy? A kidnapper?"

The corner of Hua Jinyan's mouth twitched: "It's my dad."

Little Taotie was stunned for a moment, looked back at Director Hua for a few times, and sighed: "His beard has grown long and has been sunburned, I can't even recognize him."

Hua Jinyan suppressed a smile: "Yes, who knows Heitan."

Director Hua: "..." Although your voices are very low, I am right behind you and I can hear you all!
He touched his face and muttered softly, "It's not very dark..."

(End of this chapter)

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