Chapter 552 Eating Less Is Impossible

In the evening, Xiao Taotie waved to Hua Jinyan. Two children entered Xiao Taotie's room.

Hua Jinyan narrowed his eyes: "Okay."

Xiaoxian clicked on the video very happily. When she saw the two faces in the video, she was taken aback for a moment, but soon smiled and said hello: "Hello, Hua Jinyan."

Hua Jinyan glanced at him and replied, "Hello, Xie Yixian."

Little Taotie felt that the atmosphere was weird, so he didn't pay much attention, and urged, "Xiao Xian, where's the little puppet?"

Xiao Xian picked up the little puppet and said with a smile, "Come, say hello to the savior!"

Hua Jinyan didn't interrupt the whole process, just listening to the two of them talking about the clothes of the puppet, what cat snacks the puppet likes, and the naughty and greedy little lion. Endless topics to talk about.

Xiao Taotie's alarm clock rang, and she said goodbye to Xiao Xian with some reluctance, "I'm going to the live broadcast room, and I've made an appointment with the fans, so I'll say goodnight to you first."

"Okay, good night, little glutton."

"No! You should call me little aunt!"

Xiao Xian ignored her words, smiled and waved the little puppet's little paw: "Say goodbye to the savior!"

After hanging up the video with him, Little Taotie turned his head to look at Hua Jinyan, Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hua Jinyan!" Little Taotie yelled before he raised his head.

"What's wrong with you, are you sleepy?" Little Taotie asked concerned.

Hua Jinyan nodded: "Maybe."

"I'm going to start a live broadcast, do you want to continue watching here?"

"I'll watch for a while."

"Okay, then I'll sit across from you, and I can't take pictures of you."

Hua Jinyan nodded.

Little Taotie opened the live broadcast room, there was a momentary freeze.

She looked at the number of online viewers and was stunned: "There are so many people!"

[Cubs!Good evening! 】

[Zai Zai is so cute, so cute! 】

[Zai Zai, hello, I am your new fan! 】

[Zai Zai is tired of studying recently, do you like to study? 】

Little Taotie came back to his senses, and waved his little hand at the camera: "Good evening, everyone."

"Welcome, new fan."

"I like reading very much, and my classmates are very kind to me."

She sighed like an adult: "I'm just a little unhappy today."

[Unhappy? 】

[Is there anything unhappy, say it to make us happy? 】

【upstairs!what's wrong with you! 】

[This guy who gloats is a black fan, right? 】

[Zai Zai, if there is something unpleasant today, tell mom! 】

[Did someone bully you? 】

Little Taotie squeezed the flesh on his face, stared at the camera with rounded eyes, "Today some people say that I am the leader of the chubby world."

【puff! 】

[Sorry, I laughed. 】

[This is such a sad thing, but I really want to laugh! 】

[Zai Zai, you are still young, you need a little meat to be healthy! 】

Little Taotie muffled: "Do you also think I'm fat?"

She reached out and pinched her belly, recalling that when she was in the mountains, she was skinny and had no belly at all!
"No!" Little Taotie stood up suddenly, clenched his fists.

【Is Zai Zai going to lose weight? 】

【Is Zai Zai planning to eat less? 】

【no?Can't you eat like this anymore? 】

[Zai Zai decided to lose weight, bid farewell to obesity? 】

[Zai Zai wants to leave the fat world? 】

Little Taotie had a serious face: "From tomorrow onwards, I will add one hundred more punches!"

[Pfft haha, it's impossible to make her eat less! 】

[Laughing to death, you are so cute, Zai Zai! 】

(End of this chapter)

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