Chapter 558 Take a Bite on the Mask

The captain of the seventh team still wanted to get closer to Zai Zai. Seeing the little boy with serious eyes, he touched his nose and left the room.

"Why did you come out?" The captain of the first team reached out and patted the shoulder of the captain of the seventh team: "Didn't you ask anything?"

The captain of Team Seven frowned, and his eyes fell on his paw: "You used this paw to hold the lamb chop just now!"

The captain of the first team withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

Sure enough, a mimeograph fell on the shoulder of the captain of the seventh team.

The captain of the first team ran away and blew a whistle: "The first team gathers, let's go to the casino!"

"Everyone wait for me! I will fill up the refrigerator for everyone tomorrow!"

The captain of the seventh team snorted, too lazy to argue with him, and went to change his clothes.

In the archives room, the little glutton was enjoying the food and asked, "Are you really not going to eat it?"

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

When the little glutton was full, Hua Jinyan took out a wet tissue and wiped her mouth.

Little Taotie blushed, reached out and snatched the wet tissue, muttering: "I can wipe it myself, I'm not a three-year-old child!"

When she was satisfied and half-closed her eyes, Hua Jinyan asked, "What happened today?"

Little Taotie regained his energy immediately, and opened the pocket to show him: "We went to the abandoned hospital, there are a lot of evil spirit chocolates!"

"However, these are all my own spoils, so I won't share them with you!"

Little Taotie hurriedly covered his pockets, for fear that he would share.

Hua Jinyan laughed lightly: "Don't give it to me."

Only then did Little Taotie heave a sigh of relief, showing his dimples, and told him everything about today.

"It's so strange, I saw him at the entrance of the hospital, but when I asked the captain to look at him, he disappeared again! He was wearing my ghost face, and I recognized him!"

"Are you sure we bought it?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously: "I took a bite out of it!"

Hua Jinyan: "..." This is indeed something you can do!

"I'm not greedy, I just want to see if it's strong or not!" Xiao Taotie explained in a low voice with flickering eyes.

Hua Jinyan suppressed a smile and asked, "Is it strong?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously: "It's so strong! I didn't bite it off, leaving a tooth mark on the chin. I saw a little tooth mark on the chin of the man's mask. It's my tooth mark!"

"That is to say, after we left the haunted house, that person went back." Hua Jinyan shook his head and denied, "That's not true. After we left, the members of Team One, Team Four, and Team Seven were all there."

"Ask them, have they seen our masks?" Little Taotie suggested.

Hua Jinyan nodded and opened the door of the file room.

Many pairs of eyes looked over.

Hua Jinyan looked at the captain of the seventh team who had changed his clothes and came, and asked, "Is there a red grimace mask among the things brought back from the haunted house?"

"There are a lot of grimace masks." The captain of the fourth team answered, "Everything is stored in the warehouse. I will show you to see it."

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan followed the captain of the fourth team to the second floor of the basement of the ancient castle.

There is a hard card on the door of each room on the second floor, and the date is written on the card, and the event is abbreviated.

The captain of the fourth team opened a room and pointed to the grimace masks hanging on the wall, "These are all found from the haunted house."

Hua Jinyan looked over and saw that these were ghost face masks on the walls of the haunted house, except for the two masks bought by him and Xiao Taotie.

"Is it all here?" Hua Jinyan asked.

The captain of the fourth team nodded: "They are all here."

Little Taotie said in a milky voice, "The two masks that Hua Jinyan and I bought are not here."

(End of this chapter)

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