Chapter 560 A Container of Mushrooms

Hua Jinyan looked at the photo, frowned, pointed to the location of the conductor, and then pointed to the grimace mask on the wall in the photo, "No!"

"What's wrong?" Xiangxiang was puzzled.

Hua Jinyan clicked on another photo, pointed to the location of the conductor, and pointed to the wall in the photo.

In the previous photo, the wall is covered with grimace masks, while in the latter photo, it is just a grayed-out wall, a bare wall.

"How could this be..." Xiangxiang stared at the two photos with wide eyes.

Mo Haihao: "The position of the wall has not changed, what has changed is the position of the counter and the conductor!"

Captain of the fourth team: "Is there a possibility that there are two conductors present?"

"Didn't you bring the container back? Go check the location of the front desk at that time." Hua Jinyan suggested.

To the west of the castle is a piece of wasteland. According to the captain of the fourth team, the land here was bought by Shen Cang.

There are many cars piled on the wasteland.

"These are all cars related to some cases, unclaimed." The captain of the fourth team said.

He led everyone to the container, the door of the container was locked by a big lock, and the captain of the fourth team took off the heavy lock.

The door opened and a musty smell wafted out.

"It's only a week..." Mo Haihao was the first to walk in, and immediately came out with a bad face: "It's full of black fungus species."

Mo Haihao didn't let the children go up. He and the captain of the fourth team put on gas masks before entering.

After taking several photos, the two backed out.

From the photos, the four walls are covered with fungus species with black heads and white handles.

"Not on the counter, why?" Xiangxiang asked.

The leader of the fourth team picked a fungus species and put it in a closed bottle. "The specific situation will be analyzed after the second team leader has tested it."

In the laboratory, the captain of the second team was busy. He saw the gesture of the captain of the fourth team through the glass, so he went out to meet him.

Seeing the fungus species in the glass vessel, the leader of the second team said: "Ink umbrella, also known as ghost cover, ghost umbrella, haunted house, ghost fungus or Chaoshengdiga."

"Ink ghost umbrellas are ovoid to bell-shaped at the beginning, and generally begin to liquefy and flow ink-like juice when the umbrella is opened."

"From spring to autumn, it grows in forests, fields, roadsides, villages, parks, etc. where there is rotten wood underground."

"Ink umbrellas are poisonous when consumed with alcohol. Symptoms include flushing, nausea, vomiting and irregular heartbeat, which appear 20 minutes to 2 hours after consumption."

"Where did you find it?"

The captain of the fourth team had a serious expression: "It's only been a week in the container, and it's full of these things."

The captain of the second team became interested: "Scrap iron doesn't appear in this thing, I'll go and have a look!"

After the inspection by the captain of the second team, it was found that every wall was pasted with wooden boards, and there were bacteria on the gray wooden boards.

"Have you made preparations for a long time?" The captain of the second team said seriously: "This is also a means of destroying evidence. If you can't find things at the beginning, if you go back and check, you will find that it is full of fungi. If you check again, you can't find anything, it was all destroyed by the black liquid."

"It's only a habitual criminal who came up with a solution." The captain of the second team said to the captain of the fourth team: "Fourth, I suggest you check the files to see if there are any similar incidents. It is likely that it was done by one person."

"Okay, I'll check it out now."

It was getting late, Mo Haihao advised the two little guys to go back first, Hua Jinyan looked at the yawning little Taotie, and nodded in agreement.

Mo Haihao drove the two little guys back to the villa.

Little Taotie didn't dare to sleep because her weekly diary...hasn't been finished yet!
(End of this chapter)

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