Chapter 564 Little Fatty Is Too Bitter
"I said that black coffee is the best. It's just my personal opinion. It's your business that you think it's not good. Blame me?"

"It's so bitter! How could it be possible to say the best thing to drink? You clearly did it on purpose to trick me into drinking the worst thing!"

Hua Jinyan shrugged: "I think it's delicious."

"You liar!" Little Fatty rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Don't leave after school. I'll buy you a cup of black coffee. If you can drink it, I'll believe you!"

"Yes." Hua Jinyan nodded.

Little Taotie reached out and tugged at Hua Jinyan's sleeve, and hurriedly said, "How can you promise him!"

Little Fatty snorted angrily, and pointed to his eyes, "I want to keep both eyes on you, and you must drink every drop, so that I can believe that you are not lying!"

"What about the bet?" Hua Jinyan said lightly.

Little Fatty was stunned: "What?"

"You question me, don't trust me, and force me to prove it to you. Then once it is proved that I did not lie to you, and I really think black coffee is the best, what will you compensate me for?"

"There is still compensation..." Little Fatty faltered.

"You slandered me, shouldn't you compensate? There is no compensation, why should I prove that you don't have to spend money on black coffee."

"No! I want to buy it, and I want to watch you drink it!" Little Fatty gritted his teeth and said, "If you really think black coffee is delicious, I'll call you big brother!"

Hua Jinyan glanced at him lightly, his eyes filled with disgust.

Xiao Pangdun felt that he was humiliated by the eyes, and he snorted angrily: "Then what do you want, just say it! As long as I have it, I will give it to you!"

Hua Jinyan smiled slightly.

Little Fatty felt that this smile made his heart chill, and he had a bad premonition.

"Then I invite you to buy eleven cups of black coffee. If I can drink a cup of black coffee with a smile on my face, it means that it is really delicious. Then I invite you to drink ten cups. Drink a little more to understand its deliciousness. "

"No! Are you a devil!" Little Fatty took a big step back, then turned around and ran away: "I don't want your proof, I won't drink!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

He curled his lips uninterestedly.

It seems that Xiaopang is not so easy to fool, he was not fooled.

Little Fatty returned to his seat, and his deskmate asked suspiciously: "Why don't you try it, maybe he can't drink it at all?"

Little Fatty glared at him: "What if you drink it?"

"...I shouldn't be able to drink it, it's such a bitter thing."

"You are stupid! If he insists on drinking it, I'm finished! My father told me that when the risk is too great, no matter how great the benefit is, it's not worth my risk!"

"...In this case, you look so cowardly, others will laugh at you."

"A joke is a joke, I have a lot of meat! If I can lose a piece of meat, I would like to thank them. My parents force me to lose weight every day. If I can lose a piece of meat, I can lose a catty of meat. How wonderful!"

The tablemate was speechless, and shook his head: "You shouldn't have troubled Hua Jinyan, it seems that you are very cowardly now."

Xiao Pangdun waved to his tablemate, and whispered in his ear, "Hua Jinyan, that's what my dad said. It looks stuffy and harmless, but it's actually full of bad water! If he insists on drinking it all A cup of black coffee, I will definitely drink ten cups for the sake of face! I will suffer enough by then! If I don’t gamble, just like now, everyone thinks I’m cowardly and laughs at me in their hearts! Unpredictable!"

The deskmate was silent for a long time.

Little Fatty was puzzled: "Why don't you speak?"

The tablemate gave him a faint look: "You can think of so many things, but you have ulterior motives!"

Little Fatty: "..."

The tablemate silently avoided a little distance, stayed away from him, and whispered: "Scorpio, it's really scary!"

Little Fatty: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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