Chapter 574 He is really a little God of Wealth

"Yes, [-] million. This is a conservative estimate, and it's just that the market has not been opened for the first two years."

It was said that the breathing of the old man was a little short.

Three hundred million, what is the net profit?
Strawberries are all self-produced and sold, and the cost must be very low!

Excluding the production fee, there should be a net profit of 30.00%, right?
For a net profit of about 30.00 million, 3000% of [-] million is my commission. Isn't that more than [-] million?

And that's just the first two years!
From the third year, open the market, make a brand, and what happens after the public recognizes it?

What kind of sales will it be, and how much commission will I get every year?

The old man turned his head slowly and looked at the little Taotie who looked confused.

On weekends, he would go to some wealthy families as a private tutor, teaching those wealthy children to write calligraphy. He once heard that the male owner of the family said that Xiao Taotie was a little god of wealth, and that as long as she endorsed things, everything would be a hit.

At that time, he only took it as a joke and didn't really believe it, but now...

He stared at the little Taotie for a long time, and now the little Taotie was shining brightly in his eyes, like a human-shaped gold ingot.

Isn't this a little god of wealth?
Without her endorsement, just because she likes to eat freeze-dried strawberries made by herself, she will bring her a fortune of more than [-] million yuan a year.

In fact, he has no children, so he can’t afford to spend so much money, but when he retired and returned to China, those people said in private at the Michelin restaurant where he worked: “Is there any food in Huaguo? Tsk, there are not many restaurants. Got a Michelin restaurant on the table?"

With tens of millions of dividends every year, I might be able to open a... restaurant that is better than my old club!Let those people see the charm of Huaguo cuisine, and let them experience the 5000-year-old-the temptation on the tip of the tongue!
My heart, which was gradually getting cold, suddenly became scorching hot!

"Little Taotie, the teacher wants to open a restaurant!" The old man suddenly said loudly.

Little Taotie looked at him eagerly: "Can I...can I eat?"

The old man laughed heartily, and the Shenchuan characters left on his eyebrows for most of his life seemed to have been smoothed away, "Eat whatever you want! The restaurant opened by the teacher is your restaurant!"

He has been single and aristocratic all his life, and has no children. If the restaurant really becomes famous in the future, no one will inherit it.

How about giving it to the little God of Wealth who gave him money!

"Teacher, I want to eat all-you-can-eat freeze-dried strawberries!"

"Good! All you can eat!"

Cheng Guodong, who was listening to the conversation between the old and the young, hesitated to speak, and sighed in his heart: All you can eat?Teacher, you may regret it.

How can a gluttonous stomach be full?

The special department's car was waiting in front of the villa early.

Little Taotie was carrying a backpack, which was full of delicious food given to her by the teacher. The teacher said it was all snacks made by himself.

The teacher and the eldest brother have negotiated a cooperation, and they also know their own family, and they will always come to deliver delicious food.

The teacher and the fan grandpa hit it off, and they played chess together for a long time.

Little Taotie got into the car and found that the captain was not driving today, so he asked suspiciously, "Sister Xiangxiang, where is the captain?"

"There is a difficult case. He has been on a business trip for several days in another city."

"So what are we going to do today?"

"There is no case. I will show you the previous cases and learn some experience. I will be a teacher for you."

Little Taotie took out a pack of freeze-dried strawberries and smiled, "Sister Xiangxiang, this is for you to eat."

Seeing that it was freeze-dried strawberries, Xiangxiang sighed and shook her head: "The calories are too high. I'm trying to lose weight, so I can't eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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