Chapter 587
Shen Cang said in a deep voice: "A person who doesn't know how to cook suddenly becomes a chef in charge, and has great cooking skills. I think his wish should be related to cooking skills."

Xiangxiang raised her voice, startled: "Just for cooking? Killed so many people!"

Shen Cang looked at her calmly.

Under Shen Cang's eyes, Xiangxiang's excited emotions gradually calmed down.

Shen Cang: "You are no longer a newcomer."

Xiangxiang blushed: "It's too difficult for me to deal with all this calmly, it's too frantic."

Shen Cang nodded: "It is indeed insane."

"Head, is this case going to be reopened?"

"What do you think?" Shen Cang looked at her expressionlessly.

Xiangxiang rubbed her nose, a little embarrassed: "Unjust, false and wrongly decided cases must be overturned, but... this case belongs to Team Four."

"Transfer to the third team." Shen Cang ordered lightly.

Xiangxiang stood up straight and saluted: "Obey! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

When the sun was setting, the captain of the third team, Mo Haihao, and the captain of the fourth team returned together.

This business trip to handle the case, the two captains went in person.

Mo Haihao: "It's pretty smooth, and I made it back before dark."

The captain of the fourth team spit on a piece of white paper and stuck it on his eyelid.

Mo Haihao wondered, "What are you doing?"

The captain of the fourth team pressed the white paper pasted on his eyelids, "I don't know what's going on, my eyelids keep twitching. I'm afraid of accidents, so I put a white paper on it."

"What are you doing with the white paper?"

"Jump in vain."

Mo Haihao: "..."

"Believe it or not, some folk remedies are very useful! Now that I have pasted a blank sheet of paper, the disaster that happened in the first place will disappear. This is called white jumping. Big things turn into small things!"

Mo Haihao laughed awkwardly: "Believe in the spirit, just believe in it."

As soon as the captain of the fourth team stepped into the castle, he met a group of mourners, all members of the fourth team.

"What's the matter with you, all of you look like I'm dead, sending mourners!"

A petite girl looked at him sympathetically with tears in her eyes, "Captain, you are not far from death."

A strong man sighed: "We practice mourning in advance."

A beautiful woman with a senior face took out a tissue, wiped the corners of her eyes, and wiped away unnecessary tears, "I will mourn for you, Captain~"

The leader of the fourth team got goosebumps all over his body, and roared: "What's going on, can there be a normal person!"

A handsome man wearing a painter's hat raised his hand and stood up. He was less than 1.5 meters tall, and his eyes were full of sadness. "Captain, you have a big problem. There is a case that will be overturned."

"Reverse the case?" The captain of the fourth team seemed to hear the "rumbling" thunder, and the thunder hit him.

The white paper on his eyelids lost its adhesive effect due to dry saliva, and slowly floated down and landed on the ground.

The captain of the fourth team lowered his head, fixed his eyes on the white paper on the ground, and yelled frantically in his mind: It's over!It's just that disaster can't be avoided, and it's useless to paste blank paper!Sure enough, there is a disaster!
Once the case is overturned, it means that there has been an unjust, false and wrongly decided case in that year.

This is simply a disgrace!
His position as captain may not be guaranteed.

No wonder everyone seems to be crying for mourning, this is really to see off their captaincy!
The captain of the fourth team hurried upstairs and went straight to Shen Cang's office.

He stood at the door of the office, but hesitated and stopped.

He stood for a long time, just when he wanted to turn around and run away, pretending that he hadn't come back and was still handling the case outside, the door opened, and Shen Cangqing's cold voice came: "Come in."

Captain of the fourth team: "..." There is no escape!

He entered the office with heavy steps, and met Little Taotie's beautiful big eyes.

At this moment, he really wasn't in the mood to admire the cute baby's appearance.

He drooped his head, his whole body was extremely depressed, and his voice was hoarse: "Boss, I heard that I have a case under my hand that needs to be overturned? What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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