Chapter 592 Eating Freeze-Dried Strawberry Photos
Little Taotie was awakened by the sunlight coming in from the window, and opened his sleepy eyes.

Its daybreak?
Huh?How are you at home?
She sat up and went downstairs wearing fluffy slippers, and saw her second brother who was making coffee.

"Second brother, when did I come back?"

"Eleven o'clock."

"Ah? It's overtime..." Little Taotie said to his fingers, "Is Big Brother angry?"

Qin Xin smiled: "Guess?"

Little Taotie felt uneasy, and whispered: "I must be angry, will he not let me go..."

It was agreed before that if you miss the appointment, you can no longer go to the special department.

Little Taotie's eyes turned red, he raised his head, and met Cheng Guodong who was just walking, and ran over barefoot, without any slippers, and hugged Cheng Guodong's leg, "Brother, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

Cheng Guodong: "..."

He picked up the barefoot little girl, carried her to the chair, turned around and fetched the plush slippers she had discarded, squatted down, and put the shoes on her.

"Forget it this time, not next time."

Hearing this, Little Taotie felt relieved, hugged Cheng Guodong's arm and rubbed it, "Brother, you are the best~"

Qin Xin picked up the coffee and took a sip: "What about me? Is it bad for you?"

Little Taotie looked at him secretly, saw him drinking coffee, remembered the bitter coffee his second brother gave him, stuck out his tongue at him, and hummed: "Second brother, bad~"

Qin Xin: "..."

Cheng Guodong laughed sullenly.

Little Taotie went back to the room to wash, looked at himself in the mirror, patted his chubby face, and smiled: "Fortunately, I finished writing the weekly diary on Friday!"


The research and development of strawberry freeze-drying is coming to an end, the only thing left is the design of the outer packaging.

Calligraphy teacher as a participant, he also has a vote.

Cheng Guodong glanced at the packaging plan, shook his head, and passed it to others.

Everyone felt that it was feasible, but felt that it was a little bit close.

In the end, shareholders voted against it unanimously.

At this moment, the calligraphy teacher's mobile phone rang suddenly, and a picture of an incoming call popped up on the display screen. It was a close-up photo of Little Taotie staring at the camera with his eyes wide open, with a freeze-dried strawberry in his mouth. It was the calligraphy teacher taking advantage of her eating freeze-dried strawberries. candid.

The shareholders sitting on both sides of him had their eyes wide open.

The two said in unison: "This one! Just this photo!"

The calligraphy teacher connected to the phone, and a childish voice came from the other end of the phone: "Teacher, why are you not at school, I want to show you my calligraphy!"

The calligraphy teacher laughed: "I think you want a reward?"

Little Taotie giggled: "I have made progress!"

The calligraphy teacher said kindly: "Okay, we will go to school when the teacher is done with work, and if we make progress, we will reward our little Taotie!"

Little Taotie said happily: "Okay, teacher bye!"


The calligraphy teacher hung up the phone and found that people around him were staring at him with bright eyes, like a lamb among wolves, being targeted.

"You...what are you doing?"

The shareholder on his left smiled: "Show us the phone."

"Look... what are you looking at?"

The shareholder on his right immediately snatched it up, "Don't talk nonsense, get it here quickly!"

The shareholder snatched the phone, and forcibly grabbed the calligraphy teacher's thumb and pressed the phone to open the fingerprint lock.

Calligraphy teacher: "..." It's terrible, the capitalists are really scary!
Shareholders found a photo of Little Glutton in the album, a close-up of eating freeze-dried strawberries.

"This one is so perfect, if it were printed on the strawberry freeze-dried package, it would be sold like crazy!"

The shareholders sitting across from him all stood up and flocked behind him, looking head to head at the photos on the phone screen.

"This one is good!"

"Great, I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"I agree with both hands and feet, this photo must be used!"...

Cheng Guodong tapped the table regularly with his fingers.

Everyone quieted down and looked at Cheng Guodong with unison.

The shareholder pushed the mobile phone in front of Cheng Guodong, Cheng Guodong looked down, immediately shook his head and said no: "No."


"Yeah, why not?"

"This picture is amazing, I don't think there is one better than her!"

"Little Taotie is well-known as the little God of Wealth, as long as she agrees to endorse the products, which one will not sell well?"

"Yeah, why not?"

Cheng Guodong stood up, and everyone fell silent for a moment.

Cheng Guodong propped his hands on the table, glanced at everyone's faces, and said coldly: "I am my sister's manager, and I have never accepted the endorsement for her to have her face printed on the bag. People who like her, maybe Those who don't like her, or ordinary passers-by, who will keep a packaging bag, and these bags will only be thrown into the trash can in the end!"

"I will not allow such a thing to happen! My sister can endorse, and this photo can also be made into a poster, but it is absolutely impossible to print it on the packaging bag."

Seeing that he was resolute, everyone dared not refute anything.

The next best thing is to let Xiao Taotie be the spokesperson and show this cute photo to everyone, that's enough!
"The packaging..." A shareholder asked weakly, "What should I do?"

"Redesign." Cheng Guodong walked out the door: "The meeting is over."

The calligraphy teacher wanted to follow out, but was surrounded by everyone.

"You... what are you going to do?"

The shareholders smiled maliciously.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't be nervous, we just want you to retweet it, add a W-letter friend, and create a group. If you have similar cute photos in the future, share them in the group."

(End of this chapter)

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