Chapter 596 Hurry up and coax him

Little Taotie's gaze was fixed on everyone's replies, his little heart was beating wildly, and he panicked.

"I'm just... hungry." She said weakly.

[Cub, you can’t backstab your comrades even if you’re starving to death! 】

【You are so greedy, what if the enemy feeds poison on the battlefield, you are finished, you will be poisoned to death at any time! 】

【Cub, no matter how hungry you are, you can’t eat the food fed by the enemy! 】

【Where are you now?It fell into the hands of your comrade-in-arms mother? 】

Little Taotie checked his fingers, blushed and nodded: "We are in the car."

[It's hard to escape in the car. 】

[Only by fleeing with your comrades can you make up for your mistakes. 】

[Yeah, Zai Zai, it's really your fault this time. 】

[Snacks, you can't eat everyone's food! 】

[You are like this, mom is very worried, if there is a kidnapper, you can eat something delicious, if you eat it, you will pass out and be kidnapped!Being abducted into the mountains made me feel miserable every day! 】

[Upstairs, don't scare Zai Zai, Zai Zai already knows it's wrong! 】

[Zai Zai, do you remember this lesson? 】

Little Taotie's eyes were red, and his little head hurried like garlic.

[Zai Zai knows she's wrong, forget it, everyone don't talk about her. 】

[The image of the bear in the short video of Zai Zai is very vivid at the moment. The short video may be a set of characters and routines, but now this silly Zai Zai must be a real bear! 】

[Yeah, the image of a snack food greedy for coffee and crying bitterly is lingering in my mind!Now that snacks are bought by Yummy, the silly, sweet image of stabbing his comrades in the back is also deeply ingrained! 】

Little Taotie: "..." I always feel that something is wrong, what is wrong?Can't figure it out.

Little Taotie hurriedly asked: "What can we do to reconcile?"

[Since you are humbly asking for advice, as a big sister, I will teach you how to become a sea king and take good care of every fish in the pond! 】

[Upstairs, shut up! 】

[Don't bring crooked cubs! 】

[Making friends and raising fish are almost the same concept. My method of raising fish, as long as you learn it, you can get along well with your friends! 】

[Shut up, you! 】

[Shut up, ban this Neptune! 】

A sea king was banned.

【You can't do this to me! 】

[What's the matter with this sister?Is it her?Isn't it banned? 】

[My little vest! 】

【Impressed! 】

[Sea King must learn unique skills, countless small vests can be switched freely!Time Management Master! 】

Xiao Taotie looked at the phone outside, his eyes became more and more confused.

"What is Neptune? Is the fish raised in the pond for food? Is my sister's family doing aquatic products?"

[No, Zai Zai asked this seriously, I didn't know how to answer, I died laughing. 】

[Ahem, baby, there are some things you don't need to know. 】

[Yes, she is a big fish farmer and raises a lot of fat fish. 】

[Zai Zai, if you want to eat fish, find her!She is professional in fish farming, every fish is fat and fresh! 】

Little Taotie's eyes sparkled: "Sister Haiwang, you are amazing!"

[Is it really boasting?No way, I died laughing! 】

[You guys are going too far, are you trying to spoil the cub? 】

[Shut up, sisters! 】

【The most important thing now, shouldn't be to help Xiao Taotie find a way to reconcile with his comrades?Why are you talking about Aquaman? 】

[The topic of Neptune is a hot topic everywhere, there is really no way, it will go wrong if you are not careful! 】

[Closer to the subject, everyone think about countermeasures! 】

[Based on my many years of Neptune experience, the cold war is actually divided into many types, such as the cold war where no one can be found and disappears.Those who just ignore you, but are still dangling in front of your eyes, are actually warning you with brain waves all the time: Come and coax me soon, I will be fine once you coax me, come quickly and coax me! 】

[Upstairs is the real Neptune, in a suit! 】

[Yes, there is no doubt that the real Sea King!Identification is completed! 】

[Zai Zai, according to the analysis of the words of this Neptune sister, your comrade-in-arms is still by your side now, but he just ignores you and needs you to coax him, so go and coax him! 】

[Yes, go and coax! 】

"How to coax?" Little Taotie tilted his head, countless little stars blinked in those clean and clear eyes, full of little question marks.

(End of this chapter)

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