Chapter 602 Just wake up
If it is evil spirit chocolate, everything has a reasonable explanation.

Because the evil spirit chocolate was very attractive to her, that's why she stabbed herself in the back just thinking about eating chocolate in that environment.

She fell into an inexplicable coma because she broke through her cultivation level after eating too much evil spirit chocolate, but her body was found to be fine.

But why would the ghost-faced man do this?
Hua Jinyan suddenly thought of the formation of the restaurant, the spirits will be sucked into it when they approach, and those spirits will eventually improve Fengshui and make the restaurant a prosperous shop, but this is only superficial, if there is a ghost king being sucked into it, Will the ghost king be willing to be turned into the "nutrient" of the formation?
So that pack of chocolates was not an ordinary evil spirit chocolate, it was probably evil spirit chocolate transformed from a ghost king. Xiao Taotie didn't eat too much, but it was enough for her to improve.

But even more incredible.

Why did the ghost-masked man help Xiao Taotie improve his cultivation?

Little Taotie and the ghost-masked man are opposites. How can there be an opponent who helps the enemy become stronger?
Gu Lanxin walked to Xiao Taotie's hospital bed, knelt down, and gently touched Xiao Taotie's face, "It's all my fault, if I hadn't given you chocolate, you wouldn't have been unconscious... "

Guessing that it was caused by the improvement of cultivation level brought by the evil spirit chocolate, Hua Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief and was very calm at the moment, "Don't blame yourself, it's a trap. It's not you, there will be someone else. Give her chocolate, it's impossible to guard against."

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin rushed to the hospital and entered the ward. When they saw the unconscious little Taotie, they went crazy.

One went to see a doctor, the other stayed by Xiao Taotie's bed, muttering to himself, Cheng Guodong's eyes were reddened.

Hua Jinyan silently left the ward while everyone was not paying attention, and called the head.

Knowing that the little Taotie was in a coma, Shen Cang put down his work and walked out of the castle.

When Hua Jinyan returned to the ward, Shen Cang had already arrived in the ward.

Hua Jinyan asked: "You... your soul is out of your body?"

Shen Cang said lightly, "No."

"So fast?"

"A dedicated aircraft."

Hua Jinyan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Shen Cang observed the little Taotie for a while, and under the gaze of Cheng Guodong's red eyes, he shook his head: "It's okay, just wake up and it will be fine."

Cheng Guodong was relieved.

This boss is the leader of the special department, so he shouldn't make mistakes.

He said it's okay, it's definitely okay.

Qin Xin invited the dean, but the dean was dragged all the way, and his big white coat was crooked.

The dean glanced at Shen Cang, was taken aback for a moment, and moved away calmly.

Apparently the two knew each other.

But the two tacitly pretended not to know each other.

"How is it? How is my sister? Dean!" Qin Xin urged anxiously.

The dean listened to the heartbeat with auscultation, and shook his head: "It's okay."

Cheng Guodong held back and was about to go crazy, as if he was going to hit the dean's second brother, and whispered in his ear: "The one with white hair is the head of the special department. He said that my sister is fine, just wake up and it will be fine."

"Do you believe it?" Qin Xin said in a deep voice.

"I believe it." Cheng Guodong lowered his voice: "He is a big boss with supernatural powers."

Qin Xin pursed her lips, and withdrew the hand that was about to grab the dean's collar.

After all, the dean just listened with auscultation and said it was all right. It seemed that he was perfunctory and deserved a beating.

"I'm leaving." The dean said.

No one stopped him, he left silently, exited the ward, his eyes narrowed, his eyes gradually became serious.

A little one, whose cultivation base has been pulled out, will his body explode?Forget it, anyway, there is that old guy Shen Cang, so I don't need to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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