Chapter 615 Yuanyuan's Heart Has Been Moved

"Not yet."

The round-faced girl was extremely disappointed and asked, "When will the shoot be?"

Little Taotie ate the meat, took out a bottle of yogurt in his bag, and drank it.

The round-faced girl was about to drool again.

Little Taotie covered the bag: "It's gone, the last bottle."

The round-faced girl stared at her: "If it's really the last bottle, you must have opened the bag for me to see, you shouldn't have covered the bag."

Little Taotie: "..."

The round-faced girl smiled triumphantly: "You must have been exposed by me!"

Xiangxiang walked over, just in time to hear the conversation between the two, and reached out to pat the round-faced girl's buttocks, "You are really good, you are here to cheat children to eat!"

The round-faced girl covered her buttocks and complained, "Xiangxiang, why do you keep sneaking up on me... this kind of place."

Xiangxiang smirked: "Because it feels good!"

"Xiangxiang!" The round-faced girl rushed over to cover Xiangxiang's mouth.

Xiangxiang dodged, "The ass is so good to give birth to, if you are in the country, the people who come to propose marriage will definitely step through the threshold of your house!"

The round-faced girl curled her lips: "When they know how much I eat every day, they will definitely run away at the speed of light!"

Xiangxiang was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, she burst out laughing: "That's right, ordinary people can't support you, you should find someone..."

Xiangxiang's eyes fell on Xiao Taotie, who took out another bottle of yogurt, Ton Ton, and looked up to find that Xiangxiang's sister was looking at him. Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were full of doubts.

Xiangxiang laughed softly, and touched the little Taotie's head, "It's good for you to go to the little Taotie's house, you see, their family can even afford a little Taotie, and they should be able to support you as well."

The round-faced girl blinked her eyes, feeling a little bit tempted!

Seeing her bright eyes, Xiangxiang was taken aback, and the corner of her mouth twitched: "I'm joking! Don't tell me, are you serious?"

The round-faced girl looked at the yogurt in Little Taotie's hand. Little Taotie was very protective of food, and when he noticed her gaze, he turned around and faced her with his small back.

I have already given Sister Yuanyuan Rourou, I can’t give her yogurt anymore, no more, this is really the last bottle!

Little Taotie's speed is even faster.

The round-faced girl wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. This yogurt has no packaging, so you can tell it is another new product from Xiao Taotie's family!
She also doesn't want to grab the little glutton's food, if possible, she only wants to eat those who are eliminated, or the little glutton can't eat, er, no, it seems that the little glutton won't be unable to eat.

The round-faced girl murmured softly, "Little Taotie has two older brothers, and neither seems to have a girlfriend yet."

Xiangxiang pricked up her ears and heard it.

Xiangxiang looked at her in shock: "Are you serious?"

The round-faced girl nodded: "I think your suggestion is very reasonable."

"I'm not giving you advice! I'm joking, sister, don't take it seriously!"

"I think they both... are pretty good-looking."

"Sister, calm down, it's all overlords, can you bear it?"

"Boss... what is it?"

"You do not know?"

The round-faced girl shook her head.

Xiangxiang: "..." She didn't understand at all, did she?

"Have you read romance novels?"

The round-faced girl shook her head: "Does it look good?"

Xiangxiang recommended various novels about the boss, talking about the boss's various coquettish operations, the routine of chasing girls, and the domineering possessiveness...

Then the topic changed.

Xiangxiang noticed that Yuanyuan's face was gradually turning red, and her eyes became more and more excited, "They are so kind, they take their girlfriends to various banquets to eat delicious food! I want to be the boss's girlfriend!"

A little head leaned over, and said in a childish voice, "I want to too!"

 Babes~ I posted a post in the book friend circle, and it was placed at the top, with a sketch of the little white beast.

  Everyone can make suggestions for revisions, collect suggestions in April, and then revise.

  The final version of the color picture will be published on May [-]st~~~
(End of this chapter)

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