Chapter 635 Pushing the Pregnant Stepmother
The boy at the table in front of Little Taotie gave her a strange look, and fell into a long silence.

Little Taotie asked: "Is it illegal?"

She was a little panicked.

The uncle in the mountains catches wild geese every year. I don’t know how many years they will spend in prison.

If wild geese are considered second-level protected animals, then the extinct descendants of Suzaku, then... what level of protected animals is it?
She ate up the "pheasant" without leaving any bones, and she was about to turn it into her own fist.

The boy at the front desk: "Are you kidding me?"

Little Taotie's innocent face: "I'm asking you a question."

The boy at the front desk: "Hmph!"

He pulled the chair forward and lay down on the table, ignoring Little Taotie.

Little Taotie was even more at a loss, and looked at Hua Jinyan suspiciously.

Hua Jin said helplessly, and leaned into her ear: "No one will believe it."

Little Taotie was taken aback, lowered his eyes, "I didn't lie."

Hua Jinyan comforted softly: "I know, but others will not believe that there are Suzaku and Chaos in this world."

Little Taotie pursed his lips: "It is recorded in the ancient book Shan Hai Jing..."

Hua Jinyan explained patiently: "For ordinary people, it is just a mythical, fictional book."

Little Taotie looked at the empty seat next to the boy at the front table, and asked, "Qiaoqiao still didn't come to school? She already missed the midterm exam."

Hua Jinyan saw that she was no longer obsessed with "pheasant", so he was happy to continue this topic with her, "Qiaoqiao had an accident."

"Accident?" Little Taotie became worried.

Hearing the word Qiaoqiao, the boy who was already sleeping on the table sat up, turned his head, and sighed: "She is disfigured."

"Disfigurement?" Little Taotie's eyes widened, full of panic and worry.

The boy at the front desk sighed like a little old man: "Her stepmother burned it with something."

stepmother!Little Taotie is even more afraid of the word "stepmother"!

Little Fatty held a chocolate bar and walked over while eating. When he heard them talking about Qiaoqiao, he lowered his voice and began to gossip: "Her family is in the same neighborhood as mine! I know the inside story! Do you want to know?"

The boy at the front desk nodded his head.

Hua Jin said don't open your eyes, expressing that you are not interested.

Little Taotie squeezed the hem of his clothes tightly and asked worriedly: "Aside from being disfigured, is Qiaoqiao injured elsewhere?"

Little Fatty shook his head: "Only the left half of his face was burned."

Little Taotie breathed a sigh of relief.

The little fat pier was mysterious: "Let me tell you, it was Qiaoqiao who made the move first, and everyone in the community said that Qiaoqiao deserved it."

"Huh?" Little Taotie looked bewildered.

The boy at the front desk urged: "Stop teasing people, talk quickly!"

Just as Little Fatty was about to speak, the sports committee member came over with a can of Coke: "What are you talking about?"

The boy at the front desk: "What a coincidence."

Sports Commissioner: "I know that Qiaoqiao pushed her pregnant stepmother, causing the stepmother to have a miscarriage. The stepmother saw the baby's face covered with blood, so she went crazy and burned herself with a burnt cooking shovel. Qiaoqiao's face!"

Little Fatty stomped his feet vigorously: "You took my chance to play!"

The sports committee handed over the half-drunk Coke: "Apologize."

The little chubby swallowed.

His family forced him to lose weight, and it's been a long, long time...he hasn't had a Coke!

Little Fatty took the Coke, reluctantly: "I forgive you this time."

Little Taotie was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Qiaoqiao is her front desk, a young lady with fair skin, long eyelashes, and plump apple muscles when she smiles.

She is three months older than Xiao Taotie, and considers herself a young lady, so she brings delicious snacks to feed Xiao Taotie every day.

Little Taotie couldn't believe that Qiaoqiao would do such a thing.

"Impossible, it's impossible for Qiaoqiao to push her stepmother!"

(End of this chapter)

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