Chapter 637 Unbelievable
Qiaoqiao covered the left half of her face, not daring to look into the little Taotie's eyes, the little Taotie's eyes are so beautiful, like a mirror, it will reflect her ugly appearance.

She is also confused about the future.

Her grades in school are mediocre, and her family's conditions are not bad. She used to think about playing around in school, and when she graduated, she would arrange a job at home, and ginseng would go smoothly.

But dawn and darkness, you never know what to expect in the next second.

And what was waiting was her darkness.

Seeing that she was covering her face and not speaking, Little Taotie stepped forward to greet her affectionately: "Qiaoqiao, I miss you so much!"

Little Taotie's skill of "confessing" to people is still useful, Qiaoqiao's frowning brows slightly relaxed.

Little Taotie took a step forward, but Qiaoqiao retreated subconsciously.

Little Taotie was taken aback.

Qiaoqiao turned around and was about to run, Xiao Taotie hurriedly grabbed her hand.

Qiaoqiao: "..." Run!I run!
Can't run away!

Little Taotie's strength, how could Qiaoqiao be able to get rid of it?
In the end, Little Taotie was allowed to enter Qiaoqiao's room and had a private conversation with Qiaoqiao.

Three little boys, Hua Jinyan, Xiaopangdun and the sports committee member, were invited to the restaurant by the Filipino maid. There were various delicious fruits and pastries on the table.

The little fat pier was not too polite, he picked it up and ate it.

Sports committee members just pick up the juice and drink it.

Hua Jinyan is cautious in his words and deeds, and will not touch drinks and food offered by unfamiliar people.


In the room, Little Taotie asked softly, "Did you push her?"

Qiaoqiao quickly shook her head: "It's not me, it's really not me!"

"Then who pushed her?" Little Taotie wondered, "Did she accidentally fall?"

Qiaoqiao tightly covered the left side of her face, her small body trembling: "If you tell me, you will never believe it!"

Little Taotie stretched out his arm and gently wrapped it around Qiaoqiao: "Tell me, I'll believe it!"

"Impossible to believe." Qiaoqiao shook her head, her voice low and hoarse.

"As long as I believe it, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is credible. Everyone believes and doubts different things. I think that as long as it is said by someone I trust, I will believe it."

"What did someone you trust?" Qiaoqiao blushed, "You trust me?"

Little Taotie could only see that the exposed right cheek was blushing, and the left cheek was completely covered by her, so he couldn't see what was going on with the left cheek at all.

Qiaoqiao said softly: "I always knew that she was not my real mother, but my stepmother, but she was very good to me. Grandpa and grandma told me that she brought me up, and she fed me with milk and diapers when I was young. It was all changed by her, she is closer than my own mother, she wants me to repay my stepmother well."

"I really regard her as my own mother. I believe in her and love her very much. She is pregnant. As a stepdaughter, a child who was born and ignored by my father's ex-wife, I feel a huge threat and panic. .”

"I'm afraid that my younger brother or younger sister will show up and take away all the attention my stepmother has from me."

Little Taotie looked at her incredulously: "So you want to get rid of the little baby?"

"I just thought about it, but I didn't take action." Qiaoqiao said hoarsely: "I was afraid of being abandoned again. My biological mother didn't want me, so she went overseas to remarry, and now she has a new child. She doesn't care about me at all. She seemed like a stranger to me, and I could count on one hand the number of times I've seen her since I was born."

"Are you afraid that your stepmother will give birth to a child, just like your own mother, and if you have other children, you will not be wanted?"

Qiaoqiao nodded.

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up: "Then what happened after that?"

Thinking of what happened that day, Qiaoqiao turned pale: "She came in from the gate, smelling like alcohol, I advised her not to drink, saying that drinking is not good for her or the baby."

"She looked at me out of the blue and said 'Isn't this better? Something happened to my baby and you're an only child!'"

"I don't quite understand why she said that, but I saw her fall flat on the ground, and I stepped forward to help her, but she grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go."

"From an outsider's point of view, it's like I'm pulling her sleeve. The door opened, and it was grandpa and grandma. Then she yelled suddenly, then grabbed my hand and pushed her, suddenly It hit the wall, then bounced back to the ground and lay there motionless, bleeding a lot..."

Qiaoqiao collapsed and covered her eyes, as if the blood was smudged in front of her eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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