Chapter 644 Five Little Girls

"Don't understand?" Little Taotie tilted his head, pointed to the top of the old lady's head, "There is a little baby on top of your head, it's wet, it should have been drowned."

The old lady trembled uncontrollably when she thought of the child she threw into the river.

Impossible to be known, impossible!
How could it be possible for a woman in the countryside to have only one son, and the reason why she only had one son was because she had given birth to five daughters in a row, which hurt her health, and later became pregnant with this old man when she was very old.

The old lady's idea is that a daughter is a loser. In the era of lack of food and clothing, she was not willing to raise another loser, so as long as it was a daughter, she "disposed of it".

Every time he went out with his daughter in his arms, the old man would say: "Send it to a good family. After all, it's our own flesh and blood. We can't afford it, so let those who can afford it take care of it. Maybe we can do it in the future." One day we will meet each other."

The old lady felt that her daughter was a loser, and it would be best if she would not have any contact with her for the rest of her life, and would give it to someone else to take care of her. Maybe she would come to ask her for money in the future, so what should I do?She didn't stop doing anything, and directly... dealt with the baby girl thoroughly.

It was the eldest daughter and her first child who was thrown into the river.

At first, she was haunted by nightmares every night, but after the second, third, fourth, and fifth times, she became numb, but she never dreamed again. She was about to forget these five children, but she did not Thinking of the secrets from many years ago, will be revealed by a strange child!
Even the old man didn't know that those children were gone, he just thought that the children were sent to a good family to take care of them first.

If it weren't for his son's promising future and his own ability, the old man would have wanted to find five daughters a long time ago, thinking about letting them make up for it.

Little Taotie pointed to the old lady's shoulder again, "Here lies a baby girl whose neck is covered with bruises."

The old lady couldn't keep calm anymore, her eyes widened in horror.

It's the second daughter!

He was strangled to death by her!
Little Taotie's voice didn't stop, but pointed at the old lady's feet, a little baby girl was hugging her calf, the little baby girl raised her head, her eyes were empty.

"There's another one here, and there's another one here. She can't seem to see anything, and her forehead is bleeding."

The old lady turned pale and covered her heart, feeling a little out of breath.

It's the third daughter!

When she gave birth to this daughter, she was already in her thirties, and she had no children around her. She was afraid that she would be laughed to death by the villagers. If you have a son, let's deal with it later. If you don't have a son in the future, you can provide her with a child.

When she held the child and the child opened those eyes, she threw the child on the ground.

The child fell to the ground heavily, with his forehead on the ground, and the crying stopped at that moment.

This child's eyeballs are white and he was born blind!
How could she raise a blind man, how could a blind man provide for her in the future!
"There is one more..." Xiao Taotie's voice sounded again, falling into the old lady's ears, as if the devil was judging her, exposing her crimes to the eyes of the world one by one, revealing the secrets she had hidden for many years .

Do not!Can't let her go on!

The old lady didn't know where the strength came from, she got up from the ground suddenly, and stretched her hands into claws towards the little Taotie's neck.

This is to kill people!
Little Taotie took a step back, before he could make a move, he saw another person in front of him, it was Hua Jinyan.

 3 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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