Chapter 649 You almost led me astray

"You vicious woman! Qiaoqiao treats you like her own mother, yet you treat her like this! You not only framed her, but also ruined her face!"

"Hehe, are you a good father now?" The woman's voice was full of sarcasm.

The butler stood in front of the woman, and he could tell that the hostess could never stand up again.

A loser who can't stand up, a beggar who owes hundreds of millions, why should he be humbled in front of him?
The housekeeper also began to mock him, "As your housekeeper, I know that you have many women outside, but none of them have ever conceived a child! Do you think she is pregnant with your child? Hehe, it's nothing to plant. It's my child! You can't impregnate a woman at all!"

The woman nodded, and then hooked the butler's arm, "Yes, I deliberately got you drunk that day. In fact, nothing happened to us at all. It was just to arrange the time for the child on you, so that you thought it was yours." .”

The butler laughed: "Don't say that the aborted child is not yours, maybe Qiaoqiao is not your child at all, otherwise why can't you let other women have children, but why can you let your ex-wife have children?"

The woman nodded in agreement: "I'm not the only one who wears the green hat for you, your ex-wife has already put it on for you! You are the king of the green hat!"

"Shut up! You all shut up!" Qiaoqiao's father roared.

In fact, he also had a physical examination in private. The doctor told him that it was difficult for him to get a woman pregnant. It was because of the torment of his body in the past few years, drinking too much, staying up too late, eating too much seafood and other hair, and the decline of internal organs. The son is weak.

He has started to take traditional Chinese medicine to regulate his body. The doctor said that Chinese medicine can regulate his body, but it is not impossible.

His wife was pregnant, and he thought it was the traditional Chinese medicine that had worked.

Following the ridicule of the housekeeper and his wife, he also began to have doubts.

Isn't Qiaoqiao her own child?

Otherwise, how to explain, the ex-wife left shortly after giving birth, she must have run away with someone!

The eyes of the old lady lying on the ground flickered, remembering what happened many years ago.

On that day, Qiaoqiao's biological mother mobilized, and she threatened in her ear that if she gave birth to a daughter, she would raise her by herself, and don't even think about getting a penny.

Later, Qiaoqiao was born, a daughter.

The old lady almost killed the loser, but was saved by Qiaoqiao's mother. Qiaoqiao's mother exposed herself in front of her son, but her son didn't believe it at all.

Qiaoqiao's mother left overnight. She was going to take the child away, but she stopped her.

Even if it is a daughter, it is also the seed of their family, how can it be taken away.

In fact, Qiaoqiao's mother was driven away by her.

Of course, the old lady will not tell the truth, but she knows that Qiaoqiao's mother did not cheat, and Qiaoqiao is also her son's child.

A daughter looks like a father, Qiaoqiao looks so much like a son, how could it not be his own.

The son was born in her own womb. The old lady knew him very well, and seeing that his expression was not right, she probably guessed what he was thinking now.

The old lady snorted coldly: "What nonsense are you talking about, Qiaoqiao and my son were carved out of the same mold, how could they not be their own!"

"Son, don't believe the words of this couple, they are trying to bring trouble!"

"Son, whether Qiaoqiao is your daughter or not, you can do the test, don't think about it now! Now deal with this couple of dogs!"

Qiaoqiao's father came back to his senses, and glared at the housekeeper angrily: "You are quite capable, and you almost led me astray!"

 8 more to ~
  "Little Angel" February ticket, "Ajiu acridine" February ticket, "Xiao Xudong's mother" January ticket, "梺" February ticket, "2****2" January ticket, "Your BD" February ticket, "Name everything It's Floating Cloud" February ticket, "1****2" January ticket, "11****98" March ticket, "Kiss Tears" January ticket, "Qi Xia" February ticket, "Cloud" February ticket, "1-month pass, "梺" 2-month pass, "梺" 2-month pass, "Momo" 3-month pass, "姈白" 38-month pass, "音" 1-month pass, "ChristytTam" 4-month pass, "梺" 44-month pass, " ****3" 1-month pass, "Unlimited Strange Festival" 2-month pass, "Monologue" 2-month pass.

  "Kiss Tears" 1-month pass, "ChristytTam" 1-month pass, "No Name" 2-month pass, "Passing the Road d" 1-month pass, "LX" 1-month pass, "IKEA" 1-month pass, "Fu Sheng" 1-month pass, "Want to Eat Cat" Fish" October ticket (baby, you are so awesome~), "****10" March ticket, "Grass Field Rain" January ticket, "Moonlight" February ticket, "You Little Lucky" January ticket, "Book Friends 19****3" February ticket, "1****2" January ticket, "****1" April ticket, "20****338" February ticket, "ran" 2 Monthly pass, "IKEA" 1-month pass, "Ren" 47-month pass, "L Wangyou" 1-month pass, "Happiness Like a Dream" 18-month pass, "Xiao Jiuer" 4-month pass.

(End of this chapter)

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