Chapter 657 Yuanyuan Falls in Love
Qin Xin paused, looked back at the handsome man whose face was half-lit and half-dark in the darkness, and asked, "What about you? Do you really want to be her brother, or take advantage of her?"

Gu Yixing smiled softly: "There are thousands of masters of metaphysics, and I have found one who can protect me."

Qin Xin nodded: "Master Ma can also protect me and elder brother."

Gu Yixing: "So you are not counting on her."

Qin Xin nodded: "We don't want my sister to be proficient in this way, but it is God's will."

Gu Yixing: "Understood."

Qin Xin turned around, opened the door, and went back to the villa.

In the night wind, Gu Yixing looked at the window of Xiao Taotie's room in the villa. He didn't return to the car until the lights went out, and drove away.

If Qin Xin can't give a satisfactory answer today, tomorrow's public opinion will become that he, Gu Yixing intends to adopt Little Taotie.

He looked at the two file bags beside him, which contained all the information of Hei Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin.

Once these things get out, regardless of whether they are true or not, they will lose the qualification to adopt Little Taotie.

He would be able to snatch the little Taotie over logically.

However, the answer Qin Xin gave him was barely qualified, so there was no need to make things too rigid.

Back home, looking at the empty room, he felt depressed, opened the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine and drank it.

The insomnia is getting more and more serious, and I can barely fall asleep until I am tired from filming or falling asleep after drinking or getting drunk.


Little Taotie came to the special department happily, but saw sister Yuanyuan frowning.

"Sister Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Today's sister Yuanyuan can't leave her hand without snacks!

Colleagues had already discovered that something was wrong with Yuanyuan, and they all went up to inquire, but Yuanyuan just sighed and didn't answer.

When asked by Xiao Taotie, Yuanyuan hesitated for a long time before answering softly: "I have a little low self-esteem."

Little Taotie blinked, his eyes were full of little question marks.

"Two days ago, I participated in a charity banquet. I thought about auctioning some things so that the money could be donated... In the end, the things were too expensive, and I felt very poor."

Xiangxiang passing by interjected: "Your salary is not low, it's because you eat too much and make yourself poor."

Mo Haihao glanced at Xiangxiang: You still have the right to talk about her?Her snacks are as expensive as your cosmetics?

Of course, he didn't dare to speak out, he only dared to slander in his heart.

Yuanyuan sighed: "So I plan to save money and stop eating so much."

Little Taotie was surprised: "Then aren't you hungry?"

The round belly is very cooperative: "咕咕咕~"

Yuanyuan: "..."

She covered her belly in embarrassment and muttered, "Unbelievable!"

Little Taotie took out a ham sausage: "Do you want to eat?"

Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, she swallowed, but she still forcibly suppressed her desire, and shook her head: "I won't eat, I want to lose weight."

"Losing weight?" Little Taotie's eyes widened in disbelief: "Why do you want to lose weight?"

Yuanyuan sighed: "It's hard for me to put on the dress that someone gave me."

Xiangxiang heard something tricky, and leaned over: "It's a dinner party, and it's a dress delivery, is it a man?"

Yuanyuan lowered her head and said nothing.

Xiangxiang: "If you don't speak up, you're acquiescing! My God, Yuanyuan is in a relationship!"

Colleagues gathered around, chattering.

"Yuanyuan, what is the other party like?"

"Can you show us the picture?"

"We hold your eyes for you, lest you be deceived!"

"There are a lot of bad guys out there now, we'll check for you!"

"It's your first time dating, I don't understand, men are bad, let us help you see!"

(End of this chapter)

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