Chapter 666 Hua Jinyan also ran away

Dawn broke, the sun shone into the room, and the little Taotie on the bed woke up, blinking his big eyes that didn't understand, and he couldn't get back to his senses.

Yesterday's dream made her a little puzzled. He is obviously a powerful god of war, how could he run away as if he encountered something frightening?
What are you afraid of, and why are you running?
The little white beast has grown up and turned into a girl!
She recalled the appearance of the girl, and she yearned for it very much.

so beautiful~
He is the prettiest and prettiest person Little Taotie has ever seen!
She remembered that the girl had no clothes on, her body...

She lowered her head, looked at her small body, and there were many small question marks in her heart.

She touched her flat chest and murmured softly: "When I grow up, will it grow here too? How strange? Won't it be heavy?"

The alarm clock rang, Little Taotie didn't think about it any more, and hurriedly got out of bed, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

The special department's car had already parked at the entrance of the villa.

Little Taotie was carrying a messenger bag, which was full of snacks. She tilted her head and looked at Hua Jinyan, her little eyes were hesitant to speak.

Hua Jinyan was puzzled: "What do you want to say?"

Little Taotie shook his head: "'s nothing."

Hua Jinyan felt that something was wrong with her today.

This feeling is maintained until the special department.

Little Taotie's big eyes would stare at Sister Xiangxiang's chest from time to time, and then at Sister Yuanyuan's chest, his little head was full of small question marks.

During the break, Hua Jinyan took Xiao Taotie to the stairs and asked, "What are you hiding from me, and what are you looking at?"

The little Taotie faltered, hesitated, and didn't say why for a long time.

Hua Jinyan saw that the little Taotie still refused to speak, so he asked directly: "Look at them... what are they doing there, they look like old perverts."

"No! I'm not an old pervert!" Little Taotie's face was flushed, his big eyes widened and he denied anxiously.

"Tell me, why are you staring?"

Little Taotie looked around for a while, then leaned into Hua Jinyan's ear and whispered.

Hua Jin said: "..."

Hua Jinyan's ears turned red, and the red gradually spread, his whole face flushed, he turned and ran away.

Little Taotie's eyes were full of question marks, and he chased after him: "Why are you running, didn't you tell me to tell you? Don't run, why are you running so fast?"

Little Taotie lost him, stood blankly at the door of the file room, and muttered softly, "Why did you run away like a God of War?"

The door of the archive room opened, and it was Xiangxiang who was holding a stack of documents.

Xiangxiang looked down at the dazed little Taotie, and asked, "Why are you alone? Aren't you and Hua Jinyan always inseparable?"

Little Taotie puffed his cheeks and said angrily, "He ran away!"

"Run away?" Xiangxiang originally asked casually, but now she became interested, "Wait a minute, I'll send the file to the captain, and I'll be here soon!"

Xiangxiang put down the document, and Mo Haihao still wanted to say a few words to her, but she left in a hurry.

Due to his busy schedule, Mo Haihao couldn't follow him.

Xiangxiang hurried back, seeing that the little Taotie hadn't left, she knelt down and asked, "Tell me, what's going on? Why did he run away?"

Little Taotie's eyes fell on Sister Xiangxiang's chest, and instead of answering, he asked, "Sister Xiangxiang, is this heavy?"

Xiangxiang looked down in the direction her finger was pointing at, was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Has Little Taotie started to wonder what will happen when he grows up? You didn't tell Hua Jinyan about this, did you? No wonder he's running away!"

Seeing Sister Xiangxiang laughing endlessly, Little Taotie turned away angrily, "I won't ask you anymore, I'll ask Sister Yuanyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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