Chapter 675 Fashionable Makeup

Xiao Taotie and the art teacher explained the purpose of coming, the art teacher was surprised and somewhat resisted, after all her works are all beautiful.

"Teacher, please please~" Little Taotie rubbed his hands together, looked at the art teacher with big eyes, and acted coquettishly.

This... who can stop it!

The art teacher was so bewildered that he nodded in a daze.

"Yeah! The teacher is the best!" Little Taotie hugged her leg and cheered, his brows and eyes were curved, his mouth opened to reveal a mouthful of small white teeth, and the little dimple was deep.

Seeing her smiling so sweetly and cutely, the art teacher who wanted to regret it had no choice but to say, "I have never drawn ugly things before, so don't tell me I did it when you go out."

"Okay!" Little Taotie raised his hand: "I'll keep it a secret!"


When the class bell rang, Xiao Taotie ran back, but he was already late, and stood at the door of the classroom, attracting everyone's attention.

"Little Taotie! What happened to your face!"


"How could this be?"

There were exclamations one after another.

Little Taotie held his head high, and showed his left half face to everyone.

At this moment, there was a red scar on her face, like a birthmark, and it looked like a small bug was crawling on it.

"This is the coolest makeup! You don't know how to appreciate it!" Xiao Taotie was very confident, striding forward, stepping out of the steps that his relatives did not recognize, with an attitude that I am the coolest, I am the most handsome, and I am the coolest!

Little Fatty laughed to death: "This is the coolest makeup? It's ugly!"

The sports committee member frowned: "Little Taotie is known as the youngest talented designer, and his aesthetics must be online. Is it because my aesthetics can't keep up with her level?"

Hearing this, Xiao Pangdun's laughter stopped abruptly, and hesitantly asked: "Is this fashion?"

The sports committee member didn't answer, but he answered in the front seat: "It must be fashion! My mother likes to read fashion magazines, and the models in the magazines are all dressed in weird clothes! The makeup on their faces is also weird!"

Xiao Pangdun remembered that he and his mother had gone to a fashion show before, and the models were all weird, with weird headdresses on their heads, and strange clothes, anyway, they must be the kind that can't be worn out, but their steps Is so confident!
Little Fatty looked at Xiao Taotie, who was very confident at the moment, and seemed to overlap her with the models.

The little fat pier was a little convinced: "Probably... this is really cool, right?"

Little Fatty is a little envious of the "red bug" on Little Taotie's face, he wants a cooler one, such as a black spider, or a black bat, or a black centipede...

If one child is curious, more children will be curious and yearning.

"Little Taotie, I suddenly think you are so cool!"

"Me too!"

"Me too……"

Sometimes, when No.1 in the class raises their hands and thinks the answer is correct, some people will follow suit blindly, and the number will definitely not be small.

Little Taotie is a starlet and a talented designer, and children can't help but trust her.


On the second day of school, the children all put on makeup.

Some children painted spiders on their faces and put on coats with Spiderman painted on them.

Some children painted bats on their faces and played cool in black capes.

Xiao Pangdun has seen everyone's photos in Moments a long time ago, and he didn't want to be like everyone, so he drew a cool and colorful centipede.

The children were extremely confident, but they didn't know that Teacher Yuan, the homeroom teacher who came in to roll the roll, was taken aback. It was like a "dance of demons"!
"Teacher, am I pretty?" A little girl with a red butterfly painted on her face was circling in front of the teacher, wanting to be praised.

Teacher Yuan came back to his senses, calmed down, and forced the corners of his mouth to twitch: " looks good."

Little Fatty jumped in front of her, "Teacher, am I fashionable?"

Teacher Yuan's eyelids twitched wildly, and he gasped, "It's...fashionable."

(End of this chapter)

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